14. Bad decisions and popcorn

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My vision blurred, my head throbbed as my body gradually woke from its slumber. I threw the duvet that had stuck to my sweat-soaked skin off and stretched each of my limbs. The fluorescent numbers on my digital alarm clock read 7:30 am. Rubbing my fingers into my eyes, I reluctantly trod to the bathroom.

I shuffled through the medicine cabinet, looking for some painkillers to alleviate the ache in my skull. Not one drop of alcohol had touched my lips, yet I felt like I was suffering from a heavy hangover. I fell asleep drunk on emotions and was paying for it.

Rosie and my parents sat around the breakfast table as I walked into the kitchen. After making myself a bowl of cereal, I joined them.

My sister and my mum hunched over my sister's laptop, planning their trip up to Scotland. My father argued over the time they would need to spend in the car and the cost of petrol. He tried to convince them they would be better off flying and having Daniel drive with any belongings she couldn't fit in her bags.

Meanwhile, I perched there staring at my bowl, moving the soggy Coco Pops around with my spoon. I pushed it away and excused myself.

Without a thought for my father's reaction to my discarded food, I darted upstairs, changed into my running gear and headed out.

As soon as the soles of my trainers struck the asphalt, I bolted like a wild horse. I lost all sense of time and space with each thump of my shoes. I forced myself until my lungs burnt, my throat felt dry and my legs ached.

Coming to a stop to catch my breath, body doubled over and hands on my knees, I peered around to take in my surroundings. Subconsciously, my feet had taken me to the gravel road that led to Alec's house.

My heart pounded against my rib cage, I was desperate for water. If I just ran down this short pathway, I could ask his mother for a glass and wouldn't even have to see Alec. And if I looked around for Hope's car in his driveway, I wouldn't really be spying, would I?

I slowly took the turning to the farmhouse, walking at a leisurely pace. A few feet down, I bottled it and spun round. That happened a few times until I was back at the top, pacing the entrance to his road.

Biting my nails, I glanced towards his home and tried to ignore my need to retrace my steps.

The faint humming of a car's engine rumbled in the distance. My feet stayed glued to the spot as it approached. I spun on my heels to leave but wasn't quick enough.

Chloe's head popped out the driver side's window. "Alright, Nat? What are you doing hovering round here?" She sat back in her seat to open the packaging of a cereal bar.

"Not hovering, just out for my daily run," I hastily replied while proceeding to jog on the spot to prove my point.

Chloe's auburn cropped hair stuck up all over the place, her freckles prominent on her makeup-free face. "I thought you might be off to see Alec. Good thing you're not really. He's probably not in a state for visitors. Heavy night last night. Doubt he will be up before lunchtime," she revealed between chews.

"Oh, did he go to a party?" I returned to nervously biting my nails, waiting for her answer.

Giving me a once-over, Chloe raised her eyebrows. "Surprised you don't know or weren't there. Just at home with the new guy and Tweedledee and Tweedledum."

"Do you mean Abigail and Hope?" I snorted while screwing my nose up.

"Yeah but seriously, last night they were so annoying. Throwing themselves at the boys. And Abigail's laugh. Euh, irritating!" Her expression now sour, her eyes narrowed. "Oh Finn, your arms are so big. Oh Finn, watch me stick my boobs in your face," Chloe mocked in a high-pitched voice.

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