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I pulled away when I sensed something. "Where here." I said, looking at Maui with a grim expression. Lalotai, The Realm of Monsters. "Where are we?" Mo asked. I stood up and looked at the entrance. "Lalotai." I said, then began to climb. "Lalotai! The Realm of Monsters?! We're going to the Realm of Monsters?!" Mo said slightly frightened. "No, we as in Athena and I." Maui started up the mountain side after me then turned to Mo. "You are going to stay here with the other chicken." Maui said then made a chicken noise. Then started to laugh at his own joke. I looked down at him. "Maui." I said, faking seriousness. He slowly turned his head to me. My face broke into a smile and a small laugh bubbled out of my mouth. "Good one." I said and started to climb again. I heard a faint yes from Maui and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, Athena?" Maui asked. "Yeah?" "Do you know anything about Tamatoa?" "Yeah, he is a scavenger and takes anything, mostly shiny things, and put them on his shell to look better. Hence why he took your hook. Oh and look down." I said. When Maui looked down, Mo wasn't there. I grabbed Mo's hand and launched her and I up the cliff. "Wha- Hey!" I heard Maui yell. Mo and I landed on the top of Lalotai. "Thanks sis." Mo said slightly breathless. I turned to her and smacked her upside the head. "Ow! What was that for?" She said rubbing the spot I hit her. "For disobeying me when I said stay." I said to her with my hands on my hips. Maui soon git up the mountain with a small pout on his face. It was so cute how a grown demi-god pouted like a child. "So, daughter of the chief, I thought you stayed in the village, you know, kissing babies and things." Maui said. Mo and I gave him a 'what-the-fuck look. "Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send, well, you." He said. Mo sighed. "My people didn't send me, the Ocean did."

"The Ocean? Makes sense, your what eight? Can't sail? Obvious choice." Maui said sarcastically. I was getting ticked off. I walked over to Maui and pulled him aside. "Ok, look Maui. I am the first daughter of the Chief. I sailed off to practice my powers. Our father kept us away from the water and never taught us to sail. So I'm sorry if my little sister is not well taught. Oh and another thing, she isn't eight, she's sixteen." I said. We then heard Mo saying the ocean chose you for a reason. "If you sing, I'm going to throw up." He said. Mo scoffed and I hit him on the chest. "I thought you liked my singing." I said. I then commanded my staff to my hand and ht it in the ground, using the wind to blow away the dirt covering the entrance door.

"Ok, I see the entrance. How do we open it?" Mo asked. "Well, it only opens after a human sacrifice." Maui said looking at Mo grimly. I laughed and covered my left hand over my mouth because my right held my staff. Mo looked at me then Maui started laughing. I finally calmed down and took a breath. "He's kidding little sis." I said chuckling. "Yeah, so serious." Maui mocked then did a warriors yell, jumped into the air, then slammed his fists onto the entrances nose.The entrance opened and Mo gasped when she saw how deep the opening went down. "Don't worry, it's a lot farther down than it looks." Maui said like he was trying to reassure her. I switched the hand that held my staff as I rolled my eyes and hit him upside the head. "Ow!" He said rubbing the area I hit him. "That was in no way reassuring." I said. He pouted then rolled his eyes. He did his famous Maui yell as he jumped down. Not a second later he yelled, "I'm still falling!" I rolled my eyes at his childishness then looked to Mo. "See you down there." Then I did a two fingered salute with my right index and middle finger then jumped down the hole. Soon I hit the water and used my power over the water element to push my further through and around some monsters in the water. I soon breached the bottom of the water and flipped out, landing in a superhero pose, with my left arm up behind me holding my staff.

(Imagine her arm that is in the back is holding a staff)

(Imagine her arm that is in the back is holding a staff)

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I heard a whistle and I looked to my left. I saw Maui looking at me like I was the most amazing thing ever. "Whoa." He said. I rolled my eyes with a small smile on my face and stood up, switching my staff back to my right hand. Mini Maui pulled a tattoo board of Maui and Mo. He then put another point beside the one Mo had previously gotten. Maui was confused. "Uh, dumb dumb she's not even here. No mortal is going to jump into the realm of monsters." But right when he finished, Mo fell from the water above us and landed on him then bounced over a cliff. I let out a snort and grabbed Maui's arm and pulled him up. "WHoa!" Maui said, probably not expecting that I could pull him up. We walked over to the edge of the cliff we were on, and looked to where Mo had fallen. "Well, she'd dead. Let's get my hook." Maui said nonchalantly. I smacked him upside the head. "She not dead numb nuts. She'll be fine." I said. He again pouted and we walked around looking for Tamatoa's cave."Why didn't you go after her?" Maui asked. "She has the gods protection. Even if she thinks that she got out of things alone, the gods will use things that look like luck get her out of the situation. Even down here they protect her. But sometimes they let her get herself out of problems and learn her lesson." I explained to him. He nodded and we continued looking.

A minute later, I saw a shell looking cave and Mo peeking inside. I tapped Maui on the shoulder then pointed. He looked at me confused the followed where I was pointing. He smiled when he saw the cave and he grabbed my hand and we quietly raced behind Mo. "Maui's fish hook." Mo said in aw. "Yeah." Maui said behind her. Mo freaked and punched him in the face. I let out a very unladylike snort and covered my face with the back of my right wrist, to cover up my laughter, because Maui still had a hold on my left hand and my right held my staff. Maui sent me a playful glare, then a real one to Mo. 

She gasp when she saw it was Maui. "I'm sorry! I thought you were a monster." Maui, still glaring at Mo, picked her up by her head and moved her away from the opening while she talked. "But I found your hook. And your right, this Tamatoa guy really likes his treasure." she finished. Maui dropped her and she landed on her butt. "Stay." Maui said. "What? I'm the one who found-" Mo said, slightly offended, but was cut off by Maui. "Look, for a thousand years I've only been thinking of keeping this hair silky," he started flipping his hair like a girl, "getting my hook, and being awesome again." He said. Maui went to put his hair up but stopped because he noticed he still was holding my hand. He tried to hide his blush as he let go of my hand and put his hair into a bun. "Um, my plan will not be screwed up by some mortal who has no business being inside a monster cave except-" Maui started but stopped mid sentence and looked down at a shell. I soon got what he was thinking and we shared a look and then looked at a very confused Moana. "Except for maybe as bait." I said putting my left hand on my hip and a smirk made its way to my face. "Huh?"

We dressed Mo up in shiny objects and had her go into the cave to bait Tamatoa. We made a small drum and mallet that she could use to get his attention. "Wow, a shiny, glittery cave. And just like me, it is covered in sparkly treasure. Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle." Mo said in a very bored and sarcastic tone of voice. Maui popped up from behind a rock that he and I were hiding behind. "Your not selling it!" Maui whisper-yelled. Mo turned around and whisper-yelled back, "This is stupid! I'm just going to walk up and get it!" She pointed to Maui's hook. I popped up this time. "You go up there and he will kill you. Just stick to the plan." I said as Maui and I lowered ourselves down so Mo could still see us but if we needed to, we could hide completely quickly. Mo hit her drum more with a bored look on her face. "Oh, when he shows up, distract him. Make him talk about himself. He loves bragging about himself." He advised. "You two must get along well then." I said sarcastically. "No, not since I ripped off his leg." Maui said. Then we both ducked completely. I looked at Maui. "You ripped off his leg?" I asked. "I'll tell you later." Maui said. I just nodded then we heard Mo scream. 

(Cliff Hanger!!!)

1645 words

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