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The exit that we shot out of was in the water right next to the beach of the entrance. When we shot out, I lost my grip on Maui's hook. I sat up and heard Mo yelling about us being alive before she cut herself off. I stood up and turned around. I dropped my staff and it landed on the ground next to me as I wrapped my left hand around my stomach and covered my mouth with my right hand to suppress my laughter. Maui stood there, his top half a shark and his bottom half his normal body. Mo ran over to me and tried to get me to stop, key word: Tried. Maui came up to me with a slightly confused face. "Listen, I appreciate what you did down there." He said. 

"Ma-Maui?" I asked as I was still giggling. "No, no. I have to get this out, but I'm trying to be sincere and it seems like your distracted." He said slightly upset. "Shark head." I said before Mo and I lost it. We were both leaning on each other. Maui was confused and walked to the edge of the water to see his reflection. He shook his head and walked back over to us. "Look, it doesn't matter. I couldn't beat Tamatoa. So chances of beating Taka?" He started and sat on the sand," Bubkiss. This mission is cursed." Mo and I rolled our eyes. "It's not cursed." Mo said reassuringly. Maui looked over at Mo with an are-you-kidding-me face. He pointed to himself and simply said, "Shark head." Mo rolled her eyes and lifted up Maui's hook, well tried to. "It is not cursed." She said as she handed Maui his hook. The second he touched it, he turned into different animals before stopping on a slightly bigger version of Hei-Hei.

Hei-Hei walked over to him and Maui looked down at himself before making a mix of a normal chicken sound and his voice in exasperation and turning back into himself. He looked relieved before falling over because he now had a shark's tail instead of feet. Maui shook the tail before laying his head on the sand and saying, "Cursed." I rolled my eyes before picking up my staff, handing it to Moana and walking over to Maui. I rolled him over and laid his head on my lap before running my fingers through his hair to relax him. He sighed and closed his eyes and letting a small smile grace his face. "Momo, why don't you go get the boat and let us relax a little bit." I told her. She nodded and grabbed Hei-Hei and my staff before heading to the other side of the island to get the boat. "Maui?" I asked, getting his attention. 

Maui just hummed in response. "You do realize that it isn't your fault that you couldn't transform, right?" I asked him in a soothing voice. "Yes, it is." He said it like a fact. "No it is not. You haven't used your hook in a thousand years and you also have forgotten what it was like to transform into the creatures you want. It is not your fault." I told him. Maui sighed and took a moment to process what I had said. "I guess you're right." he said as he opened his eyes to look at me. I smiled down at him and he smiled up at me. "Now, try and think of your real body as you touch your hook. You should return to normal." I instructed, and removing my hands from his hair. He groaned from the lack of touch but did as I had told him.

I took him a few tries to get back into his normal body, but in the end he did it. Once he did, he stood up and wiggled his fingers and toes as well as checking that everything was how it should be. Once he finished checking, he smiled a huge smile that was contagious. "Alright, sit down, let me do your hair." I said waving him back over to me. He shrugged his shoulders and sat in front of me. Since he was taller than me, I hand to stand up to even reach the top of his head. When Maui was sitting, his head came up to my lower stomach, when he was standing, I was a few inches above his shoulder. I ran my fingers over his scalp and through his hair, brushing through it. Maui hummed at my touch and I laughed lightly, I saw Mo coming around with the boat so I pulled Maui's hair into a bun on top of his head and tapped his shoulder. When I saw his face it was pulled into a pout. I chuckled and kissed his cheek before walking to the edge of the beach to watch Mo pull in so we could board.

If I had turned around, I would have seen Maui looking at my back and blushing as he put his hand to the cheek I had kissed. But I didn't soo...

It soon became night time and we all sat in silence. Mo was steering, Maui and I were laying on the deck next to the mast. Maui's hook was above his head while my staff was on my right side. Maui and I were star gazing to pass the time. I knew Mo was contemplating if she should say something or not. "Could you at least try?" She asked Maui. Maui looked over me to look at Mo with a it's-not-going-to-work face. He laid back down and raised his hand to touch his hook. "Giant Hawk." Maui said, un-enthusiastically. Instead of a Giant Hawk, he transformed into different animals before turning back into himself and laying both hands on his stomach. "Hey, it's ok, ok we're dead soon." He sung.

I glanced over at Mo and shrugged. She mouthed 'please' to me and I sighed and stood up. "Ok, come on. Break times over." I said as I grabbed Maui's arm and pulled him to his feet with ease. He seemed shocked that I was able to lift him but then started to grumble.

Maui sat down and faced away from us. "How'd you get your tattoo's?" Mo asked. I knew where she was going with this. "They show up. When I earn them." Maui responded. "What about this one? What's it for?" Mo asked, pointing to Maui's least favorite tattoo. "That's man's discovery of Nunya." Maui said, a little upset from the question. "Nunya?" Mo asked, very confused. "Nunya business." Maui told her. "I'm just going to keep asking." Mo said, stubbornly. "Mo, he will tell you when he is ready." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. "No!" Mo said,shrugging off my hand. "He doesn't trust me and I doubt he will ever tell me. I need to push it." She exclaimed to me. "Maui, just tell her and get it over with. Remember what I told you, when you told me." I told Maui, as I sat down on his right. " Um..." Maui tried to speak, but I knew he was scared, so I took his big hand in my own. It calmed him down enough to speak. " Ok, um. I wasn't born a demigod. I had human parents. They, uh... They took one look and decided they don't want me. They threw me into the sea, like I was... nothing. Somehow, I was found by the gods. They gave me the hook. They made me Maui. And back to the humans I went. I gave them islands, fire, coconuts. [chuckles] Anything they could ever want." That was when I realized it, I think Mo did to.

"You took the heart for them. You did everything for them. So they'd love you." We spoke together. "Yeah, but, it was never enough." Maui said sadly. I squeezed his hand and he smiled at me slightly. "Maybe the gods found you for a reason. Maybe the ocean brought you to them because it saw someone who was worthy of being saved. But the gods aren't the ones who make you Maui. You are." Mo told him. Maui smiled again. "See, I told you." I bumped my shoulder with Maui's. He chuckled and said, "Yeah, yeah. You did." And with that, I stood up and let go of Maui's hand. I, already, missed the warmth. "Mo, Maui. Get some sleep. I'll man the boat for a while. We have practice tomorrow." I told them. I kissed Mo on the forehead before she handed me the oar.They did not argue and lied down on the boat's deck and soon fell asleep. 

Maui's demi-goddessWhere stories live. Discover now