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Percy Flynn

"Percy? Percy! Dude."

I snapped my eyes over to Henry, my brows raised up wondering what the matter that had him yelling my name was.

"What's up with you, your mind is totally somewhere else. Did you even hear a thing I said?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Sure," I dragged raking my head to see if I could remember anything. Nothing, yada. My head came up blank and I don't really blame it, I wasn't paying attention, I've been staring at Spencer over at the other table while slowly chewing my fries. It was like there was some sort of telepathic conversation going on between us especially with the small smile we had on our faces. Who knew smiling for no reason would feel this great.

"Percy," Henry hit his palms on the table to grab my once again, gone attention. I smiled sheepishly at him. "Where the fuck is your mind?"

"With Spencer obviously," Melody chimed in, giving me the eyes that screamed 'I've been watching you'.

"What's up with you and Tracey?" He asked. I wouldn't have said anything if the table was full as usual but now it was just us three so...

"Um," I looked over at Spencer once more, then back at my friends. "He's my boyfriend."

Mel's jaw would have hit the table if that was possible. Henry however, slow as he is, didn't get it. "I know you're friends with him okay but what's so different?"

"I said he's my boyfriend." I repeated, and then hooked my middle fingers together for more emphasis. "Boyfriend."

"Wait, wait," he raised his hand up as if telling me to halt when I wasn't going anywhere. "As in--" he seemed lost for words so I just nodded.

"I suspected this." Mel said smiling and nodding and creeping me out.

"You're gay? How? When--" Henry spluttered looking around me and Mel for an explanation.

I gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Don't hurt yourself much by thinking, Hen. And yes, no, I'm not gay. I'm bisexual."

"Holyshit," He looked mind blown, and then shook his head at me. "Lucky."


"You're so fucking lucky." He elaborated. "There's no losing for you. Bisexuals are like, best thing ever. You can get the pussy, you can get the ass. You can give and you can take. Like—" Mel did me the favor of shutting him up by whacking him in the head. "The fuck, Mel?!"

"Shut up." She sighed, then turned her gleaming eyes to me. "Really? Like for real?" I nodded. She grinned.

"I only feel something for Spence though. Haven't happened with other guys."

"Not yet." She came closer and literally squealed. I looked around in surprise and noticed some people look at our table before looking away.


"I knew it, I knew it." She sang ignoring me. "You've liked Spencer since day one."

"No I haven't."

"Bull. Even online before you saw him, you were into it. It was always...'he can speak four languages. He has long hair. Christ Mel look at his picture. Can you believe he's coming here?!'" She rattled off, smiling like she's getting an Oscar award.

I don't know if I was turning red but I was definitely getting warmer. "Lies and even though, I was just fascinated."

"Well isn't that how it all starts? From mere fascinations?" She raised her smart brow at me.

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