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Percy Flynn

Today was quite the day. First I'd gotten the scolding of a lifetime from my mum. Then I'd eaten one of the most delicious pancakes ever, courtesy of my dad. Then everybody started presenting birthday gifts to me, even Tricia had something to give. It was wonderful but... Mom took my car keys and I got grounded for the week!

"Come on Mom, you can't do this to me. It's my birthday and I'm seventeen!" I whined following behind her.

She turned to give me a kiss on my cheek. "Happy Birthday again and I love you but you've been misbehaving and there's nothing I can do."

"I didn't do anything. I've not gotten in any school trouble and my grades aren't falling."

"It's not just about school, it's about the way things are supposed to be. You've been missing curfew and staying at a friend's so much. What friend is this? Male or Female? Does your dad know this friend? How am I sure you aren't doing anything inappropriate?" She shook her head and hand. "No no, this cannot continue you're just--"

"Seventeen," I put in before she mistook it.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, but you need to remember that you have parents who care about you, who have the right to know your whereabouts. Who you're supposed to obey and respect. Too much liberty and you'll go getting some girl pregnant or joining some cult."

I sighed. "Well, what about work?"

She paused. "Yeah, I'm thinking you should quit that."

"Mom!" No way!

"Well I don't know if it's that guy corrupting you."

"No one is corrupting me and James's a good guy. I can't quit, that place would fall apart without me," not true but... "And I'll die."

"But you don't need the money, I work my head off to provide for you three. Look at Paxton, is he dead?"

I clutched her hand. "I'm not Paxton, I need to work. Don't do this to me Mom, I'm a good kid I swear!" Debatable.

She sighed. "I just don't want anything happening to you guys. I know I'm not a good mother for being away all the time but..."

"Mom, you're the best."

She pouted at me. "Come back home immediately after work, no hangout. After school and practice, you should be here. If you must hang out with friends, they should come over here. Okay?"

I nodded, "does this mean I get the car back?"

"No, if you can't walk, borrow Paxton bicycle."


"One more talk about it and I'm giving the car to him permanently or selling it." That shushed me up for good and I watched her go.

Then I heard my dad whistling clearly enjoying this. Ugh.

Well apart from that my day went swell. James came visiting with hash browns that I dutifully returned after taking one that is. He was the first to call this morning and now he was here laughing my ass off after I told him about my punishment. At least we'd still have my birthday dinner and I could still go to my birthday party with friends as long as I was back before curfew. I had invited Spencer for dinner and I couldn't wait.


"Do I look overdressed?" I asked Paxton while looking at myself in the mirror. I just had on dark denim jeans, a red t-shirt and a jacket over. "James got me this jacket today and its so dope but I'm thinking no for tonight?"

"Dude, if anything, you're under dressed." Pax said buttoning his shirt. "At least wear a dress shirt or style your hair."

"No way," I said running my fingers through my hair that I managed to comb today. "Nothing's going on my hair. How will I be able to do this?" I ran my hand through my hair again, smirking at Pax.

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