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Spencer Tracey

I couldn't go with them. Yes it was strange; after all they were my family. All I've got. But they didn't feel like family to me and I wasn't sure I was family to them either. Maybe they didn't hate but the Tracey's didn't love me either and honestly, that was okay. At least they were there with me at the hospital, they tried. Only two people felt like family to me and one was gone.

"I changed the sheets and got some of my stuff out." Paxton said, carrying a handful of laundry as he exited his room.

"You didn't have to." I said just as Percy said, "you better have."

Paxton gave me a small smile then turned to glare at his brother. "My side's the tidiest part of the room, you have got no right to give me shit."

I blinked, turning to look at Percy. Did Paxton just say shit? Percy smiled. "Yeah, my little bro is growing up so fast." I couldn't help but smile.

Paxton rolled his eyes, "shut up Percy and you're the little bro here." He turned to me. "Make yourself at home and good luck dealing with this trouble in the name of Percy Flynn."

Percy ignored him, already inside the room that was about to become ours. I forced a small smile at Paxton. "Thanks a lot for this. I'm sorry you're giving up your room."

Paxton waved a hand. "It's no problem really. Now I have more reason to stay at Seb's. I should be thanking you."

I nodded, turning to go into the room but Paxton's hand on me stopped me. I raised a brow at him. "You're going to be okay Spencer. No matter how annoying and troublesome Percy is, he's a really good listener and he loves you." He smiled. "You guys are really lucky to have each other."

I looked at him, unable to tell if he was telling me all this because my mother just died or if he really meant it. "And you approve?"

He didn't waste a minute to nod. "At first though, not really but I'm not one to dictate who dates who and who loves who. And no matter what has happened, you're a really good person, I've always known that. You deserve to be happy Spencer and no matter how hard this is to say," he made a face like he was dying. I smiled. "Percy knows how to make people happy."

"Thank you."

He nodded. "I should go." I watched him leave before going into the room. Percy was standing beside one very neatly made bed; I'm guessing that's mine. His hands were on the book shelve above, moving books around. I bit my lip watching him before my eyes moved to scan the rest of the room. Percy was clearly written on the other side, his clothes were on the bed with two dumbbells. He had his and Paxton's picture on a table and one of their baby sister.

"Hey." I turned away from the pictures to see him looking at me. "Pax is as much a book freak like you but I moved his books to create space for some of yours. When you bring them in that is."

I nodded; I didn't know what to say. "Thank you."

"Thank you?" He walked closer to me, until he was standing right in front of me. "That sounds so formal."

I shrugged. "I don't know what to say."

"How about nothing then?"

I blinked, moving my eyes to my shoes. "It's like moving into another foster home. E-except, you're here."

His fingers rested on my chin as he made me look up. "That's right, I'm here."

I didn't want it to happen but tears welled up in my eyes. "A-and..."

"And?" He probed.

"It's like home."

Percy just nodded, hands cupping my face. "Okay." His lips touched mine and I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding, my cheeks getting wet as I closed the little space between us, wrapping my arms around him. Our lips moved together, taking my breath away and slowing my heartbeat down a notch. His tongue swiped over mine and mine over his. I held him tighter, wanting more and wanting this moment to last forever.

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