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(Everett at the top^)

Everett's POV:

Have you ever felt like life is unfair? Like why are some people born with a silver spoon while you are born with a plastic one? Wait. My bad. It's not even a plastic spoon but a plastic coffee stirrer. Yea, like those that you see in McDonald's. Or how people are living in mansions while you're living in a dog house? Oh, wait. My bad again. Dog houses these days are living in houses much grander than normal people out there, after all, they live in their owner's homes. A shoebox. Yea that's a better way of describing. Well, that's my life in short. Yea, I drew the short end of the stick. Not the stick that was put out to be chosen but the stick that was cut and disposed of.

And now... I have to face this blur-looking undecisive customer who seems like he lives under a bridge. Unkempt greasy hair, oily face and facial hair growing all over which can be competed with Santa's, I'm scarred. Is that a new trend among the rich? It's the 21st century for goodness sake. Even I am more hygienic than him despite living in the rundown district. The only thing that made me not think that he really lives under the bridge is the metallic credit card he's holding carelessly as he squinted at the menu above my head while a sleazy woman drapes her arms all over him like an octopus. She can't even be compared to a koala, they're much cuter.

"May I take your order, Sir?" I asked for the 3rd time with a forced smile on my face, trying hard to cover up any signs of irritation I had on my face. It's been 15 minutes already and he's hogging up the queue! Look at the line forming behind him!

"Baby, what's taking you so long, my legs are hurting." The octopus whined as she rubbed her legs while showing a duck face. Wait. Do octopus even whine? Anyway, serves her right for wearing those 6-inch heels. The guy is already much shorter than her by a head and a half already, what's she thinking when she wore those killer weapons? Rich people and their weird ass thinkings.

"Sorry bebe, why don't you take a seat first then?" The guy cooed, making kissy faces at her as I tried to hold a straight face in front of them. Disgusting. Any more of it and I swear I'll puke into their food and sue them for wasting my lunch.

"May I take your order, Sir?" I asked once again for the 4th time, not losing my cool. Gosh, if I don't need this job, I'll have jumped over the counter and slammed his face down against the floor with my boots. Well, make-shift boots. Wonder why it's make-shift? Easy. I picked them up from the trash. The soles were giving way so I just ripped them off, kept the top part and wore my slippers under. Smart people like me, man, how I love myself.

"A-Ah yes, can I just have everything from those columns? H-Having here." He stuttered pathetically as he pointed to the menu above my head which has the whole dessert menu written down. Urgh, rich people. This is why people are starving all over the world.

"Of course. That will be $351.25 in total. Anything else for you, Sir?"

"Er... 2 coffee, please?" He hesitated for a moment, staring at the octopus before shaking his head with a troubled look. "A-And, I'll pay by card."

"Of course. That will be $367.25 in total." Tapping his metal card against the machine which responded with a beep, he let out a huge sigh of relief before walking off to find his whoever. I can't care if that's a hooker he picked off the streets, his mistress, wife or an octopus. If it was me, I'll be breathing out a sigh of death as that's like a quarter of my monthly pay. I might as well die if I ever have to spend so much.

"Hi next please." And my boring day continues. Wake up, brush my teeth, eat, jog to work (where else do these muscles come from), work, go home, eat, brush my teeth, sleep. how eventful, I know. I love it too. Well, one can't expect more if his parents both died before he even hit 15. Even I'm surprised that I'm even able to cope all on my own. Sweet 22, you know. Jokes. Sweet? yeah, totally...


"Thanks for the good work kiddo, see you tomorrow. Oh and here you go." Kaylyn beamed as she handed me a box of leftovers. Sweet, free food. Hopefully, there's my favourite inside. Ah yes, her raspberry cheesecake... It's mouth-orgasmic. Oh, who's Kaylyn? She's my boss and the boss of this cafe which sells expensive desserts. Can't deny that the food is top quality though.

Taking my own sweet time to walk home, I opened my coin purse to dig around the coins to find a dollar for the same old man who've I always pass by as I walked back home. Passing by, I dropped the coin into his worn-out hat, earning a soft smile of thanks from him and giving to him 3 out of the 6 cakes that' Kaylyn had given to me. It's almost like an everyday routine ever since I started working in the cafe 5 years ago. Also, it seems like it's my lucky day, there's my favourite inside. Lucky me.

Or maybe not so lucky... who knew that amongst the usually quiet and empty road, will have a speeding truck coming towards me. The last thing I remembered is feeling an overwhelming pain and seeing my precious cake flying in the air and smash. That's depressing, I didn't even get to have my last meal. I doubt I even look as good as the cake, I can't even feel anything below my neck. Maybe it'll be reported in the news tomorrow or maybe not. Who cares about people like me anyways. Wait wait wait! I can't just die like this! How about the 6.31k that I've desperately saved?! I've yet to spend it yet! Oh my gosh! And my 6-month bonus and monthly pay! I'm going to get them in just a week time! Noooo! My money...

Well, sucks to be me. Not like I can even use them in hell. Yes. Hell. I heard that the girls there are smoking hot *hint hint* get it get it? Like I care if you do. Oh wells, seems like this is where I die. So long cruel world. I won't miss you.

Sooooo....comments? How is it for a start?

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