Chapter 28

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Everett's POV:

"Where are you going?" The sudden question made me jump a little as I paused in my tracks. Damn it. Turning around slowly to find mum leaning against the kitchen wall with a soup ladle in hand, a smirk crawling up her face, I facepalmed internally knowing what's she thinking.

"I-I'm meeting my friends." I swiftly defended myself, which turned out to be the wrong move.

"Friends? Since when do you have friends?" Mum taunted further with a wide-ass grin, as the urge to smack my head against the wall grew bigger. I forgot the guy was a shut-in nerd. "D A T E, right?" She giggled crazily like a mad woman upon seeing my reddened face, knowing that she had hit the nail. 

"It's not a date. J-Just...hanging out you know..." It's technically not a date if I'm just going over to Norman's place...right? 

"Sure sure. Whatever you say. So..." She waved me off nonchalantly before a mischievous grin creeped up her face, sending shivers down my spine. Making a circle with her left hand and holding the ladle in another, the started thrusting the ladle handle into the circle as she eyed me with bright playful eyes. 

"No mummmm! We're not!" I quickly defended. We're not going to do that...

"Right right. Whatever you say. Wait here." Waving me off again with an evil crackle, she left as quickly as she had reappeared again, passing me a small box and a few tablets? "Condom for safe sex and pain killers for your ass." She winked as I felt my face flush redder than before. 

"Why my ass? I'm going to be the one topping." Rolling my eyes at her, she rolled her eyes back at me twice, staring down at me like I've gotten a few screws loose. What?

"Fayne baby, give up. You topping it's like....a mouse screwing an elephant. Forget it forget it." She waved me off once again for the third time as she sighed in what seems like disappointment. What's with her and waving me off today and the size comparison is ridiculous! I can easily top too if I wanted to...

Unable to stand the embarrassment any longer, I quickly slip on my shoes before bidding goodbye to her. "Remember the condoms! Have safe sex and enjoy it baby! I hear gay sex is awesome-" Before she can finish her sentence, I swiftly slam the door shut behind me with the 2 items in hand...meh. Stuffing them into my pockets, I checked the time before deciding to take my time going there. The most I'll only be 30 minutes late. No biggie.

Norman's POV:

Why is he taking so long? Did he get kidnapped on the way? What if he met an accident? What if he got into trouble with those gangsters down street? It's already 45 minutes past the timing... Before I even got the chance to dial for him, the knocking on my door signaled his arrival as I quickly rushed towards the door, brushing any dust off my clothes as I calmed myself down.

"Yo." He greeted with a small wave of his hand as I hurriedly invited him in. 

"What took you so long? Did-" Taking out an assorted range of canned drinks out of my fridge, I made my way back to the living area where Ev sat on the carpeted floor cross-legged, scrolling through the tv channels.

"Oh...destroyed father's day for some punks along the way. Took me longer than I thought I would take." He shrugged it off like it was no big deal as I nodded meekly, face draining from the thought of it. Better protect mine. "Did you buy back a whole grocery store or what?" He asked with a weird look as he eyed the variety of drinks I've placed down. 2 cans of every carton I've bought. What's so weird about them?

Whole grocery store? Nah. I've only bought a carton of mug, green tea, milo, coke, coffee and sparkling apple each. I wanted to buy more but the trolley didn't have enough space. "Just one or 2 cartons." I shrugged as he rolled his eyes, not believing my words. 

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