Chapter 27

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"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" Everett yelled out in pure outrage as he stood before his locker. Remaining droplets of water rolled off the ends of his hair, dripping onto the ground to become part of the murky puddle beneath his feet. Just when he thought the day was good, a pail of paint water just have to drench him like a pup caught in the rain. "Goddammit! I don't even have spare clothes! Who the hell in their right mind puts a pail full of dirty ass water up there? For who to drink exactly?" He cursed loudly, not caring who saw. 

Hearing the commotion, Norman rushed towards the fuming boy with slight worry, afraid that he'll bust someone's ass in the heat of the moment. Pushing past the small crowd which had formed, he came face to face with a wet wolf snarling at a rabbit which looks like it was about to shit itself. 

"Say what? You didn't know it will topple? Why don't you empty the shit out of it like how you've emptied your brain! Look what you've done!" Everett growled at the slightly shorted boy who was quivering under his menacing gaze. If looks could kill, the nerdy short kid would have his throat ripped out already.

"I-I really am sorry Fayne! I r-really didn't mean to-" The poor nerd stammered pitifully, making Norman sigh loudly before walking towards them. 

"Phillip was it?" He asked gently as the poor guy nodded with tears brimming in his eyes, threatening to spill. "Don't worry about it. Go on. You can buy him bread in return." Hearing his suggestion, the smaller male nodded quickly before scampering off in a hurry, avoiding Everett's sharp gaze the whole time.

"Come on. I've got change." Taking hold of Everett's hand, Norman pulled him close, shielding him away from prying eyes as they made their way to the furthest restroom at the end of the building. Not before grabbing change of course. 

"Strip." Norman instructed upon entering the empty restroom as he leaned against the restroom door with hands in his pockets, a paper-bag hanging from his wrist. His eyes took the opportunity to roam over the mouth-watering curves the shorter male possessed as his shirt clung tight to his lean yet slightly muscular frame. His sweats clinging to the plump round ass-cheeks of his, leaving nothing left for one's imagination.

"Gladly. Don't need you to tell me twice." Everett replied snarkily as he slicked his hair back before sensually sliding off his over-sized grey top and matching sweats. Shifting his gaze slightly to where Norman stood, he smirked a little when he found the other male's eyes trailing him like a piece of meat. Yet what amused him was how much self-control the male had. Bending over slightly, he tugged the tight sweats down with a wet plop, revealing his bare ass which was barely covered by his underwear. A low groan was heard followed by a barely audible swear. 

With his clothes off, he sat onto the sink before turning on the hose, letting the fast flowing water to rinse the dirt off of him, making sure that he's free of 50 year old dirty paint water. "How did you know the guy?" Everett finally gave in and spoke as he dried himself under the hand-dryer, trying to lighten the mood for the sexually tensed male at the side.

Regaining his composure from all the sights he had feasted his eyes on, Norman shrugged lightly as he walked over to the almost dried male. "He's one of the top few in his cohort." Placing his hand on the other's head, he frowned a little at its dampness, scolding himself internally for forgetting to grab a towel at the same time.

Trailing both hands slowly to the smaller-built male, Norman rested his hands on his shoulders before spinning Everett around to face him. "Hands up." He instructed once again as Everett did as he was told, a pink hoodie sliding down his smooth skin and covering his butt as he savored its comfy warmness. "Legs up" Seeing Norman squat down to help him put on the shorts, Everett felt his face warm from how close the other male was to his crotch as he quickly jumped into them.

"Woah not bad." Everett said to himself, amazed by how Norman's clothes looked good on him.

" Everett said to himself, amazed by how Norman's clothes looked good on him

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The hoodie was so comfortable that he didn't even want to return them. "Can I keep this?" He asked thoughtlessly while they walked back as he snuggled in the hoodie, sniffing up a little on Norman's scent. Only when he looked up to see Norman's beet-red face was then he realized how it sounded.

"So...b-boyfriend hoodie?" Norman stuttered out nervously as he kept his eyes on the ground, not daring to see Everett's reaction. Truth to be told, he was waiting the whole day for a chance like this to happen ever since he kissed him. He has waited for more than 15 years and he wasn't going to wait any longer to make Everett his, for who knows if he'll lose his second chance.

This time, it was Everett's turn to turn into a stuttering mess as he too, found the dirty floor more interesting. "Y-Ye. S-Sure." He squeaked. If it was even possible, his face turned much redder than before as he tugged onto their hoodie. "B-Boyfriend hoodie it is..." He trailed out shyly while Norman on the other hand couldn't contain his excitement, standing there stupidly as he shook in pleasure.

Timidly, Everett hooking his fingers to Norman's as the bigger guy interlocked them even tighter. The feeling was one of pure bliss as happiness surged and warmed Norman's previously cold heart for he managed to finally and officially grab hold of what he thought was lost. 






"Do you think he got the bread? I'm starving."

"I'll get for you if he didn't."

"I want one with meat. Eh no, 10."

"Sure. Anything for you, Ev."

Question: Fasten the pace or stick to this pace?

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