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Sri Hanu chowdary

she is a bubbly girl and little one in the whole family from her maternal and paternal family. She likes to read stories and big fan of Harry Potter. Dance is her passsion and loves everyone in the family. She is very soft, sensitive by nature. But she was always taunghted and bullied by her friends because of her brown skin tone and fat body. But she never listen to them. She didn't give a damn to them but respects her family and friends. Only Daughter of a billanaire, she has no siblings. She was loved by her family because she was little one and born after 18 years of her parents marriage. She made their life beautiful after her arrival.

Narayana chowdary

Father of Hanu loves her so much because she is his only daughter that to after 18 years after the marriage. He was a great businessmen but it was in danger because of the betrayal of his employee.

Lakshmi chowdary

Wife of narayana and mother of Hanu. She loves her daughter and husband so much. Helps him in business in critical situation other than that she is a social worker and a good house wife and mother.

Chowdary family may be a famous in business world. But they didn't use their identity outside because they want to have normal life and treated to be normal. So, nobody knows them billanaire only their close relatives and friends.

Nandhini rao

Best friend of Hanu from childhood like from three years. She is completely opposite to Hanu, she is friecy and strong can fight with anyone for Hanu. She saved her bullies with help of Reshma. Her mother also best friends with Hanu mother. They used to share their lunch box.

Reshma syed

She is another best friend of Hanu and Nandhini. She joined they group lately but became close to each other. She is a good friend who gives suggestion for Hanu.

They three used to call as a three best friends. All people were jealous of them. They even tried to break their friendship but couldn't succed it to happen. They promised to each other to never forget about them even they grow in old.

Soon I will reveal all characters according to their presence in story....

What do you think of characters and friendship!!!

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