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"Claire!" "Claire! We are sorry we ran away, come back baby sis! We are sorry!" "Claire we love you! Come home!" Three distinct young boy voices ring out, as they approach the border.

"When we see the boys, tell them they are not allowed to move, or speak. If they do, I will chase them." Astrid smirked talking to Liam. "Of course, Astrid." The boys came in sight, and saw the large black wolf, their eyes widening. "Hey, brothers" Little One said cheerfully.

"You will not move, or speak if you do, you will be chased down. Nod if you understand." Liam's voice rang out in a cold tone. All the nodded. Astrid increased her size to her "big bad wolf" size, and the boys reeked of fear, and tad bit of pee. Astrid pulled her lips back in a snarl at the boys. Yes, pee. They definitely peed themselves. Liam jumped down, and held his arms up to Little One. She jumped down, giggling.

"Tell the boys to turn around, grab my dress out of my bag so I can shift." Astrid told Liam. "Turn around, boys" liam spoke harshly, Little One giggled. The boys immediately turned around, and tensed. Liam held out her dress and turned and shut his eyes tight. Astrid shifted quickly and silently. Slipping on the dress, and holding her arms out for Little One.

"You boys want to tell me why you are messing with your little sister?" She spoke harshly. She rolled her eyes. "Turn. Now. Face me." She growled. They turned pale faces could be seen. The met "The Big Bad Wolf" and she is a woman, holding their baby sister.

"W-w-we w-wer-were j-j-just" the oldest tried answering, but couldn't. "If I was going to come after you boys, you wouldn't be answering my questions. Why would you torment your baby sister?" She asked more softly, but still harsh sounding.

"I'm sorry, we know she isn't as fast. I'm her twin, and she still isnt as fast as me. We are supposed to look out for her, but sometimes we feel like she is annoying." The youngest one explained. And shrugged, unable to maintain eye contact. Astrid sighed and got down on his level. "Did any of you ever think about, all she wants is her brothers to accept her? Even if she isn't as fast, or as muscly, or as strong?" She asked softly lifting the youngest one's head to meet her eyes. They all shook their head. Little One buried her face in Astrid's neck. "Think about that next time you think she is annoying. Siblings are annoying, but they also love you, and you don't get different ones. Learn to accept each other as you are. Help her get fast, stronger, to build muscle. You three are who she looks up to. One day your sister will find her other half, and she will be gone with him. How would you feel if all she knew was she annoyed you three?" They hung their heads in shame. "How would you feel if the 5 rogues attacked your baby sister, and I wasn't there?" All three heads snapped up, wide eyes, with tears brimming. "I'm so sorry. We shouldn't have left you!" All three boys stepped across the line almost tackling Astrid over, hugging their baby sister. "Thank you, for keeping her safe. We are in your debt." The oldest bared his neck to her. The other two followed suit. "One day I will collect, but for now love and protect your sister. Teach her how to protect herself in case none of us are there." She told them and they nodded. She opened her arms to them, and they had a big group hug.

"Who are you?! Get away from children!" A voice boomed. It was the Alpha, Little One is an Alpha's daughter. "Daddy! She saved me from rogues!!" Little One ran to him hugging him. "Why are my son's crying then?!" Little One flinched. His Alpha command didn't work on Astrid, and she knew it wouldn't. "Boy's tell your father what you did. Alpha." She says to them. "We had her chase us, then we ditched her. She couldn't find us and ended up over the border." "We promise nothing like this will ever happen again." "We are terrible brothers. We are sorry, Claire." The boys spoke clearly. "You aren't terrible brothers, you just need to learn to be the best brothers." Astrid said encouragingly. "I see you are good with kids. Thank you for saving my daughter. Miss?" The Alpha was fishing for a name. She remained silent. "Children go find your mother." They all nodded, and huddled around Little One, creating a bubble of protection for her. It made Astrid smile.

" I asked your name, you will respond when an Alpha asks." The Alpha said lowly. Liam stiffened and stood by Astrid's side. "I am not on your land, Alpha. I have no ties to your pack. Nor am I under any obligation to answer you. I simply came to return your daughter home, safe and sound." Astrid stood her ground. "I will not have a rogue, or lone wolf defy me in such a way!" The Alpha snarled. "You will not speak to her that way!" Liam snarled back. The Alpha smirked, and finally looked at Liam. His smirk dropped, and his face drained of color. "He is not your mate, is he?" He whispered. Astrid and Liam, both shook their heads. The Alpha dropped down on to one knee and bowed his head. "Forgive me." Astrid walked to him, and gently raised his head with her index finger and thumb. "I will not forgive you, because there is nothing to forgive. I did not let you see who I am, so you did not know." She kissed his forehead. "Stop being so egotistical before it gets your head knocked off." She whispered to him. He nodded. "You have my support any time you need." He said and bared his neck to her. She nodded. "Of course Alpha?" "Blackwood" she smiled "The Alpha who doesn't like turned wolves?" His eyes widened. He slowly nodded. She crouched down to his level. "So would you still accept me, who you still offer your services if you knew I was a turned wolf?" She asked slowly letting the information sink in. His face paled, eyes wide, his mouth opening and closing. "You were the one responsible for the massacre at the compound. You were the only successful." She smirked, and nodded. Fear leaked off the Alpha. "So do you still offer your services?" She asked again. "There is a reason the Goddes chose you, so I will not be the one to deny you, of your people." He bared his neck again. She put her nose in the crook of his neck, and inhaled. "Good, tell no one you know of me. I am not yet meant to be seen." She commanded. He whimpered, but nodded unable to go against the command. "You have a mate. He has been looking for you." He whispered, when she rose. "My mate died. I asked the Goddess about my mate. She gave me a pitiful look, and apologized. My mate died." She said in a calm monotone voice. Liam set a hand on her shoulder.

"Let's get out of here, I need a burger! I hate political bullahit!" Astrid groaned into Liam's head. He bit back a laugh, and nodded.

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