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"Sampson, stop pacing. You will wear a hole in the floor." His mother sighs. "Mom her scent ran out on the shirt six months ago. I'm pacing because Andrew is pacing. I have known about her for two years, and it's like she is hiding from me!"

"Its not time yet. Have patience my little wolf. You will meet her in a years time. Be patient with her. She is so strong but has a fragile heart. She won't trust you to not break it, mate pull or not. Trust your Moom Goddes, my little wolf." Sampson heard an angelic voice, and it made his wolf want to submit.

"I will meet her in a years time. She is strong, but has a fragile heart. She will not trust me to not break it, I have to have patience. With time and her." Sampson breathed out. He had a time frame to prepare for a spitfire of a mate, that will pick fights, push him away. He can do this. He has done things like this for his pack all the time. "What?" His mother gasps. "How do you know?" She shakes her head. "The Moon Goddes told you didn't she? She saw your stress, and that you needed reassurance. She just gave you and Andrew that." It clicked. Andrew was calm. The Moom Goddess knew what she was doing. His mate was safe, and he needed to prepare for a ball of fury to try to drive home away.

Astrid, Marlow, Greg and Liam walked up to the old castle. The castle of the Original. It was seated in the middle of a park forest, and no one can stumble upon it. Astrid and Lucy felt as if they were walking into their home, when they stepped inside. "Well, looks like we need to get started cleaning, have to find some furniture." Marlow started muttering some other things and Astrid giggled. "Mother! I am home!" Astrid called out. "Mother!?"she jumped in surprise. Before all of them stood a glowing woman. She had long blond hair, that reached to her feet. She was wearing flowing silver as a dress. Her eyes glowed purple. "My daughter! You made it to the castle. Let's spruce the place up. I'll let some good lone wolves wonder upon as staff. I assume you found the accounts in your name, as your previous self should have done?" She asked with a smile. "Yes mother. I have accessed all the accounts. Gathered Beta Liam, Delta Marlow, Royal Dr. Martin, and the advisor should be here in 3, 2, 1." The door to the castle bursts open and an older smiling woman bursts through. "I knew it! I knew it! I told you Samuel! It's a woman this time! Oh my Goddess!" They both kneel. Astrid and Celine both laugh, the same laugh. "Stand and rise. No need to be formal. Welcome home. If you shall swear loyalty?" Astrid asks. They bare their necks, they don't hiss at the pain. They both smile, and look loving at one another. "We knew this day would come. We both had the same vision, but not the same. On this date, we walked into the castle I found a King, and my mate found a Queen. My vision the Beta a female, Delta Male, and doctor female. The reverse for my mate." He explains smiling. "We know." Astrid and Celine say in unison. "My mother gave you both the same vision, but different, because you both love to keep the other on their toes. I assume your son knows some, but not all?" Astrid asks, and they nod. "Mary? How are you at party planning?" Astrid asks, and Mary gasps. "She is the best." Samuel says looking lovingly at his mate. Sadness creeps over Astrid's heart. She misses her human mate, Daniel. He looked at her that way. Liam sees or feels her distress, and set his hand on her shoulder. She hasn't told him why yet. She looks to her mother for permission, and gets it. "Liam, I need to inform you of something." He looks worried. "I have not been entirely truthful with you. You are not just my Beta, but one of my protectors, should you accept it." He smiled and nodded earnestly. His mark added and chain over Lucy. "That is why you were licked." Astrid giggled. Liam couldn't help himself. He grabbed her and hugged her twirling her around. He quickly set her down. "I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have done that. Not with, you know." She let me out a soft sigh. "Liam, you are my protector. I told why I am afraid. It has nothing to do with you." She walked over to him and whispered. "If you ever feel like I need a hug, for the love of my mother, please hug me! I sometimes can't verbalize it." He nodded. "That was so sweet
So honey, do you know who your mate is?" Mary asked. Astrid turned to her mother her mother nodded.

"Anything said in this castle stays in the castle. Is that understood?" Everyone nodded. Astrid flicked her hands and the castle came to life, except all the doors to the room closed. "Alpha Sampson is my mate, well second chance mate to be exact." Astrid started strong, and muttered the last part. She heard a few feminine gasps, and some male sharp inhales. "My son is mated to the Queen?" Samuel asks. "Second chance mates, but yes." Astrid answers. "What do you mean?" Mary asked tentatively. "Both of our first mates died. His before he met her, mine. After I had known him for 11 years, and been married to him for 6 months" She admitted it to her hopefully soon to be in laws. "Oh honey, I am so sorry. It's a wonder your wolf didn't die with him." Mary gasped. This was the other thing. "I wasn't a wolf then." Astrid said matter-of-factly. "That is impossible. Turned wolves are weaker than born wolves." Samuel said in the same tone of voice. "Yes, while most turned wolves are stronger than humans, they are weaker than born. However, there are exceptions, just like to anything. Being bitten as a child." Astrid pointed to Marlow. "Bitten ar birth, in attempt to kill the child." She pointed at Mary, "or having the dormate gene in your system, and it needs a jump start." She pointed at herself. "Mary, you are a turned wolf?!" Samuel asks dumbfoundly. "She just found out herself." Celine speaks up. "I knew there were complications at my birth, and my father not wanting me, but I didnt know I'm a turned wolf." She muttered. "That's because what is considered 'turned' is being bitten. If you have the gene, but its dormate several things can trigger it, not just a bite. I was only an Alpha wolf with a high tolerance of wolfsbane, until I had to go through my last night at the compound. It triggered the reincarnation. You were a half wolf, but the wolf dormate. Your father bit you thinking it would kill a newborn. It just triggered your wolf side to save you. You healed almost instantly. However, had he not triggered it with the bite, it might have been triggered later in life, and you still shifted at the right time." Astrid explained more in detail. Liam wrapped Astrid up in a hug. While wrapped safely in her protector's arms, she cleared her throat. "Now on to happier things. We are to have a ball for all the Alpha's one year from today. We need to start planning, and decorating this place." Astrid smiles.

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