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"Alpha there is an invitation for all Alphas. It says they must attend. It has an address, and a time. However, there is one rule. If you find your mate, you must not react until she does. Its hand written too." Aaron tells Sampson. "On the back there is something address to 'my little wolf' but I can't read it." The invitation was ripped out of Aaron's hand.

'My little wolf. You have been very patient. I am proud of you. You do not have to wait much longer. She still won't trust you, but have faith she will see she can. I hate to do this, but I command to wait until your mate reacts to you. No growling if another male touches her, no calling mine or mate, no touching except a standard greeting when introduced. I know, have faith in me little wolf. All will be revealed at the ball. Dress to impress your mate. She will see you then.

Celine, Moon Goddes'

"I am commanded by the Moon Goddess to not react to the mate bond until my mate acknowledges it. I can't her, I have to watch her in another's arms, I can't even call her mate or mine until she makes the first move!" Sampson cries out. "But I get to see her the night of the ball. I get to meet her. As long as she is happy, i don't care. We get to finally see her!" He was ecstatic. "I get to meet my Luna?!" Aaron asked and Sampson nodded his head.

"He received our personal invitation, I watched him read the command. I feel bad doing it. I spoke it to his wolf as he read it. He whimpered, I hate making the poor wolf whimper!" Celine pouted. Astrid laughed. "Mother, I am going to make a lot of wolves whimper tonight." She smirked and nodded. "Yes, but they deserve to whimper." Astrid smiled at her words. The castle looked wonderful. Celine was going back and forth from the other side to this world. As promised lone wolves pledged their allegiance, and began working at the castle, and became part of the Royal pack. Rogues were also turning up. Those with their humanity in tact. Those without are put down by the royal guard. The guard was trained by Astrid, and they are lone and rogue wolves.

"Rmembering the past year darling?" Celine asks. Astrid nods. "Remember you and Lucy cannot react to Sampson." "Yes Mother" Lucy and Astrid's voice come through, in a soft tone. "I cannot be with you tonight, you have to do this on your own." Celine reminds her. "We know. It's alright."

"Where in the world is this place? Seriously, this is a wildlife perserve." Aaron sounds incredulous. "Its owned by the council. It's supposed to preserve the Royal territory for the werewolves." Sampson replies. Since his parents told him of the reincarnation and the Royal werewolves, he had done reading on them. He found out the Royal Castle and grounds were hidden from the humans on a wildlife preservation. The outskirts to be monitored by a select few. It is owned now, by an Astrid Wolf. However, she has never been seen and it's only namesake. Royal wolves are know by the mark of the Royal wold on their neck. It's almost like a tattoo of the wolf.

"We have wolves running beside us." Aaron sounds on guard. "We are being escorted through the territory. Most likely to the castle." Sampson explains. Aaron nods. They pull up to a beautiful ancient castle. It's in pristine condition, and there are multiple cars parked in front of it. Royal wolves line the outside. They are dress in simple clothing, nothing elegant.

"So, his majesty has some sense. Those lower than us dress as peasants. I am liking this." An Alpha sneers. "Actually, the majesty allows us to dress as we please. We are to be comfortable as ourselves. Those volunteering to serve the party are dressed for the occasion. We are not below you, actually as a Royal I am higher than you, Alpha." The young man sneers back. Sampson chuckles. The Alpha is flabbergasted. "You are no Alpha, nor are you the King, you are below me!" The Alpha boomed. The Royal wolf, just smirks. "Right this way Alpha. The Majesty will join you all in the ball room shortly."

"You know, only a former rogue or lone wolf would stand up to an Alpha like that." Sampson says casually. "Alpha Sampson, yes I was a rogue, before being asked to be a Royal wolf. All of us were rogue or lone wolves. Names Charlie." Charlie's eyes glaze over. "Excuse me Alpha, Beta I have to go." The men all nod, and Charlie heads inside the castle. All the Royal wolves head inside the castle.

"What just happened?" Aaron asks. "I think The Reincarnation just summoned them." Sampson answers. "Why not just call him the King?" Aaron questions. "Because when the other Alpha called The Reincartnation His Majesty. The Royal wolf said The Majesty. The want the gender to remain anonymous for now. It may be a Queen." Sampson explains. "The Alpha's will have a problem if it's a Queen. They will freak out, and demand a King take her place." Aaron's face drains of color. "I know. However, I am on the side of the Queen. There is a reason the Moon Goddess chose a woman for the job, and not a man." Sampson states. Aaron agreed.

"You ready?" Aaron asks. Sampson nods unable to find his voice. They head into the castle. Walking through hallways and corridors, lead by a Royal wolf, the reach the ball room. It was a simple open floor, with a chandelier hanging in the middle. There are tables set up, and a buffet table for food. "The King expects us to serve ourselves?!" An Alpha booms. "We are here to serve the King, and the Royal wolves. Its logical for us to serve ourselves, when no one under us are allowed in." The Alpha ponders this and then nods. Sampson cannot believe the Alphas are so demeaning of others.

All the Alphas and Betas are seated. The Luna's were also invited, but none of the Alphas' brought their mates. Astrid was standing behind the door with Liam by her side. "Ready?"

"Hell no! However, still have to do this."

"Of course." She verbally responds with a confident smile. The doors open. Astrid and Liam walk in with linked arms. They hear murmurs of voices saying the King has a Queen. They both wish they could roll their eyes. They walk to a small platform, and Astrid walks up first. Liam follows behind and stands behind her. There are collective gasps, and low growls.

"Good evening. Thank you all for coming to my home." Astrid speaks loudly. She scans the room, purposefully missing her mate. They cannot cause a scene.

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