Ch. 18: I'm Scared

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Ch. 18: Scared

Kelsey POV

"Have fun, kiddo. I'll see you later, unless you change your mind about staying." I said to Cam before giving him a hug.

"Okay momma!" He smiled back at me and took off towards the house after I let go of him.

I stood back up and looked at Zach, "Don't hold your breath about him wanting to stay. I will be shocked if that's what he decides he wants to do."

"I know." Zach said and smiled, "I've learned my lesson. If he wants to come home later then I'll bring him home. No sense in you having to drive all the way out here again."

"Thanks, just text me and let me know." I smiled and got into my vehicle and took off.

After I left Zach's place, I headed to Walmart to get a few things that I knew we needed. Plus, it looked like it was going to start raining soon and I wanted to make it inside before it started. Just as I got inside, I went straight for the first thing we needed and as I was about to turn into the isle, this other guy was right there and poor thing, I almost cut him off. He stopped and let me cut across before coming down the same isle, that was even greater. Whoops. I know how to make things awkward.

I grabbed the toothpaste and walked away and decided just to walk around. It's not like I really had anything else to do today, so why not just walk around and see what they had? It's been a while since I could just do this, considering I always have Cam with me and he gets cranky real quick when we go shopping. I walked over to the belts, and as I was looking, sure enough, the man I almost cut off earlier walked down the same isle I was down. "Are you following me?" He winked at me.

It caught me off guard, I mean, we both just came from two different directions, of course I wasn't following him. I wouldn't do that anyway. "N-nooo.." I said and dragged out the word, slightly confused.

He laughed and stopped and turned towards me again, "It's okay if you were. You're beautiful enough."

I probably turned a shade of red. He was attractive with light eyes, lighter brown hair and a slightly muscular body. "Umm...thanks." I stuttered.

Just when I thought he was going to walk off and leave it at that, he had to fully turn back around and face me and then walk over to me. "I'm Anthony. It's nice to meet you, beautiful. Do you have a name?"

Oh, that was a very sucky pick up line, but I guess that's all he's got. "Yeah...I'm Kelsey."

"Hi Kelsey." He smiled at me. "Do you happen to be single?"

Well, this guy was blunt and to the point. He didn't hold anything back.

"What's it to you?" I asked and put my left hand behind my back so that he wouldn't see the wedding ring that I still wear to this day. I couldn't make myself take it off; that would make it too final that Derek was really gone. Even after all these years.

Anthony looked a little hurt, "Well, I just think it's a crime for someone as beautiful as you to be single and I'd like to change that."

"Aren't you one for subtlety?" I smiled at him.

He shrugged, "What can I say? If I don't ask now then I may never get the chance." He winked at me, "So, what do you say? Go on a date with me?"

"Uhmm..." I said and thought about it. This was the first time I've been asked out on a date since Derek. I don't know if I could do it. It just seems wrong to start dating again, but at the same time, mom and Missy have been telling me to move on and to start dating again. What could that harm be? If I didn't like him, then I could just end it. No big deal, right? "Y-yeah, that'd be great."

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