Ch. 23: What Just Happened?

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Ch. 23 - What Just Happened?


“Kelsey…Earth to Kelsey!” Liz said to me, waving a hand in front of my face. I was just sitting at my desk trying to go through some paperwork.

I snapped my attention back to her. “Sorry, what’s up?”

“I was just curious as to how things were going with Anthony. You’ve been out on several dates with him now. Are things getting seriously with you two?” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me.

I ignored that. “Nah.” I shook my head. “Not yet. It’s still too early in the relationship to tell.”

“Uh oh. Trouble in paradise already?” Liz sat down in the chair across from my desk. She crossed her legs and gave me that look saying she wasn’t going anywhere until I talked. I loved the close relationship I have with her. It makes work so much easier to deal with.

I let out a long sigh and sat my papers to the side. I guess I really did need a break. I’d been at this for a while now since I had a large time gap between patients. “I don’t know. There’s just something about him that’s just not clicking. I still haven’t even introduced him to Cam. Normally people would have by now, wouldn’t they?”

“Possibly. Everyone is different, though. I didn’t introduce Ally to Kevin for a few months.” She shrugged. Oh yeah. I forgot she was in a similar predicament herself not that long ago.

“Yeah, but I’m just not feeling it.” I leaned back in my chair. There was maybe another reason I wasn’t feeling it anymore. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can, sweety.” Liz smiled at me. It was hard to believe she wasn’t much older than I was. She seemed so much wiser than me.

This was the first time ever coming out with these thoughts and I didn’t know how to go about it. “What…” I started then shook my head. “How…” UGH! Why could I not come up with a good way to ask this?

“Whatever it is, you now you can still talk to me. I may be your boss but you can still talk to me, I’m still a friend.” Liz softly smiled at me.

“I know.” I frowned. “But I just can’t think of how to ask it.” I thought it over. “I think I have feelings for someone else. There, we’ll start it that way.”

“Well, now, what was so complicated about that?” She smiled at me adding in a quit laugh, but tried to cover it up. “If you have feelings for someone else then break things off with Anthony and go pursue these feelings.”

“If only it were that easy.” I really wish it were. It would make life a million times easier. “I can’t just go after them. It doesn’t work that way.”

“Why not? I mean, unless he’s married then I don’t see the problem.” Liz said and the paused. “Oh, honey! He’s not married, is he?” She looked so scared yet so sad at the same time.

I was quiet for a minute. “No…well…not exactly.” I sighed and avoided her gaze. “He is engaged, though.”

“Oh.” Liz whispered. “That is a little complicated. I’m sorry, sweety, but unless you want to always be known as that person who broke them up, then I suggest you ignore what I just said about pursuing him.”

“What if I might have already done that on accident?” I whispered. I wasn’t even sure if she heard me until I heard her gasp.

“You’re such a bad girl!” She cracked a smile. “But in all seriousness, what the hell are you talking about?”

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