the return of Ava!

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Nashi P.O.V.
I was inside storm's room and he was holding me. It was cold inside of Storm's room, but his body held

Warmth. I was very cold. "Do you want me to warm you up my little snowflake" He smirked. I started to

Get nervous. "No thanks! I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" O said trying to get up but he carried me

There instead. He out me inside the room and said "you got 5 mins" Then he closed the door. I grabbed my

Phone and played bathroom noises. I broke the bathroom window and jumped out.

I then also grabbed my emergency phone and called auntie Juvia. "What's

Wrong Nashi?" She asked. "Storm captured me, but I escaped. We need help ASAP I don't know-AHH!!" I

Dropped my phone cause I felt someone's arms around my neck, choking me. "You little bitch. You're

Gonna pay for stealing Storm away from me. He is Mine!! " Only one person came to mind of who was

Choking me. Ava. "I'm sorry Ava, please let go of me" I begged
My vision started to get blurry.

"Ahhh!!" I heard her scream and she let go of me. I felt myself being able to breath again. I look over to see Storm

Glaring at her. "You okay Nashi?" He asked. I nodded and hugged me. He slammed his lips onto mine. I kissed

Him back. The kiss broke when she kicked my leg. "How did you find me?" I questioned. "I heard you

Scream and I felt pain when she started to choke you. I went inside and saw the window broke so I

Jumped out and here we are." He explained. "Babe! What did that bitch do to you?!" She asked. Storm slapped

her. "I love her. I've always loved her. If you play another finger on her, I will kill you in a heartbeat." He

threatened. Her eyes widen and she glared at me. "I will make you love me! " She shouted. Ava then started

To strip off her clothes. Storm slapped her once again and started to choke her. I couldn't watch this for another second.

I ran into the woods, without looking back at Storm and Ava.

Storm P.O.V.
I continued to choke her. I was upset that she thought it was okay to disrespect Nashi. She broke out of

My grip. "You haven't seen the last of me. I will win you back." She then dissapeared.

After she dissapeared I looked around for Nashi but I guess she ran away. I went into the woods for her.
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Anyways... Bai. , 👋

Words: 454

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