Back-up arrival

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Guys!! You are gonna hate me! Volleyball finished BUT I signed up for cheer 3 days ago, tryouts was yesterday and I made the team!!! Cheer is WAY MORE longer than volleyball so I will like never update, But I'll do my best! anyways on with the chater!! Hope you guys enjoy!!

Gajeel P.O.V. 

"Hey shrimp!!" I yelled. "What's up? and STOP CALLING ME THAT!!" She screamed. "Juvia and the others need back-up!! Get ready and Let's go!! " I told her as she quickly put on her shoes and we rushed out the door. Once we got to the guild Erza, Jellal, Laxus, Mira, Romeo, and 

Wendy were there. "Master, The others are in trouble. They need help." I told him. He nodded his head. He handed me the keys to the minivan. "Take the minivan. Call or text me if you need anymore back-up. Remember, don't hurt the kids. They are going though a season that you've 

All been through. Stay safe brats." He told us. "Bye master!!" we waved and ran out of the guild and went into the guild's car house."I'm driving! Laxus is next to me, Rowen you're in the middle and Gajevy you sit in the back!!" Mira ordered. We all got in and drove away. 

Levy P.O.V. 

"Guys we're here!! Mira told us. We all got out and looked at the house. It was big and beautiful. "Let's go in, find them fast, Grab our kids that are being hunted for then leave! We don't wanna hurt any of our kids." Romeo stated. "Let's get in and get out" Gajeel said. We all nodded and 

Went into the house. It was HUGE. "Where could they be?!" Wendy questioned. "In a room?" I asked. "A closet?" Mira guessed. "In the attic?" Romeo questioned. "In a basement." I told them. "Why there?" Wendy asked. "That's where I used to keep my prisoners when I was evil" I told 

Them. "To the basement!" Wendy ordered. We all went down to the basement and gasped at the 4 bodies we found. 

Mira P.O.V. 

"Lu-Chan!!" Levy shouted. "Juvia!!" Gajeel gasped out. "NATSU!!" Romeo cried out. "Gray!!" Wendy called out. "They look-" Wendy got cut off by Romeo. "Don't even say the word." Romeo told Wendy. "We are gonna need a little bit more back-up. Call up Lisanna, Bixslow, Warren, and 

Gildarts." I ordered. "I'll do it." Gajeel, Romeo, and Wendy get them into the car. Levy and Mira go look for the kids. Call us if you need us." Laxus ordered. We all nodded and did what we were told. Levy and I ran outside to go look for the others. 







Leviathan72025 and...


words: 448

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