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Rebecca was lying down, eyes wide and open. A man in shirt was carefully cleaning away at her wound, while Kyle looked.

She waved at me as I approached, and I wiggled my fingers at her. Kyle turned.

"Gave the kid a good scare, didn't you?"

"I can't really stand bullies, Kyle."

He started to say something, but caught himself.

Several seconds passed in silence, and then I remembered. "Here, your bag..."

He took it from me and then placed it on a chair, then he snatched mine and did the same. I rolled my eyes, and then my heart thumped loudly in my chest as I brought out the two tickets. The photo was in his bag and for some unfathomable reason, I didn't want to ask him about it.

"These fell out while I was closing it..." I murmured, handing over the two tickets to him.

He took those from me and then stared at them, and then looked at me. Stared at them again. Looked at me. "I suppose... there is no point in hiding."

Confused, I looked up. He wasn't obligated to tell me anything of his dating life, but that didn't mean I didn't want to know. I might be wrong; it could be for his parents. They never get a break. Or for Mason and Sarah.

Or just really for Abigail and him. But I could be wrong.

Why did I want to be wrong so badly?

"This was... is for you." He winced.

"What?" I said, so loudly that even Rebecca looked at me weird. And then I proceeded to say the most ridiculous thing. "You're planning to murder me in some abandoned building?"

He narrowed his eyes. "I wasn't going to. But you make it sound very tempting."

I couldn't help it; I cracked a smile. There were butterflies in my stomach and I swatted them away, but they wouldn't go. "I am sorry. Are you sure they are for me?"

"One of them is for you."

I raised an eyebrow. "And the other is for..." I decided to burn the waters a little. "...Andrew?"

He gritted his teeth. "Me. Obviously." The way he said it reminded me of Snape. I was smiling like a doofus again.

"I don't understand."

He remained quiet, gauging my reaction.

I forced myself to become serious, even if my mind wasn't allowing it. "Why would you do this?"

"Because Kyle loves you!" Rebecca said from inside, a little loudly. My cheeks burned, and Kyle was looking inside with a 'done' face.

We both stepped away from her room.

"Seriously Kyle, why? Why would you do this?"

"Pardon me for trying to do something nice for you."

Something nice for me. Something nice for me. Something nice...It kept repeating inside my head, and my heart felt light.

Then I internally shook my head. No, no. Doing one nice thing meant nothing more than doing one nice thing.

"Pardon me if I don't trust you to do exactly that." I replied.

He sighed. "Just... come?" A pause. "Please?"

"What if you-?"

"Do you want me to take an oath as well?" He scowled.

I froze, once again. An oath... was he serious? Was he really serious?


Before I could say anything more, he took my hand, and kneeled.

"No! You don't-"

"I, Kyle Kovich, take an oath to protect Kaea Avans-"

"Kyle!" I tried snatching my hands, but his grip was too tight.

"- to the best of my abilities, under the sacred blessing of the goddess of the moon." He kissed my hands, and our hand glowed golden and silver, brighter than any light in this hallway. It dimmed and died.

Kyle got up, looked at me like nothing had happened. "Will you go now?"

I was still too shaken to process anything. "What the- What-"

"Kaea? You'll go, right?"

My breath hitched. Was he still glowing silver or was I dreaming?

"Yes." I whispered. "Yes."

He turned, but before that, cracked a smile. "It's getting dark. Want me to drop you?"

I shook my head furiously. I needed some time alone to process what the hell had just happened.


In the media box, you'll find, "You're Somebody Else by flora cash". This song is about how a person changes from good to worse. This chapter is the exact opposite. But the chorus is something that I thought Kaea could relate to pretty well. Doesn't hurt that the song is beautiful.


Monster: A Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now