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The whole thing looked gorgeous. Pale blue cloth was used to setup the tent, with a darker, heavier blue and a pale pink used as curtain in between. They had set up some gorgeous, modern lamps on the outside to highlight the place more. I could imagine it was a fairytale, except, of course the extremely weird photo booth of a werewolf eating a person, and Fergalicious beating from the inside. It was a very, very weird mishmash. I was glad to be a part of it.

I caught sight of Lee and smiled and waved at her. She was dancing with Jacob and moving her hips but waved me back. I saw Abigail standing there, watching everyone with an arched eye, and the most judgemental bitch-face I'd seen in months. Maybe that was just her face. Or the way she wanted to be seen.

I was not at all sure what was up with that girl.

Andrew had come up earlier, fixed the lights quickly. I had asked him to come later on to just celebrate the last day of the fair, even if he could not, or would not, attend the dance. I, myself, was a couple hours late, which would explain the state of disarray that the rest of the people were in, now.

Some guys were prancing around Abigail, but she ignored them, and winked at someone, and everyone ran away. I didn't even need to see who it was she winked at, but my eyes carried my vision there anyway. I tried to look away before my drool was lapping up the floor.

White, pale, shirt with his jacket on his lap. Black pants, and slightly styles hair. Totally sitting in the manner in which men usually sit, leaving absolutely no room for anyone else on the couch. Looking hot as fuck. Why, oh why? I asked myself that everyday. This man could totally rock anything.

He shook his head at Abigail, who shrugged and mouthed, 'I am sorry.'

Then he glanced around at the dance, and his eyes didn't glaze over me. He knew where I was, so he just totally skipped that part. He didn't even look.

Not that I care. I don't care. Because I definitely shouldn't care.

Nevermind, there was still something I needed to say to him anyway. I was just not sure when. Or if I was even going to, but I should.

The band suddenly came on, replacing the generic music. Two weres, one human. The female werewolf took to the mike, and they set up their drums and guitars.

Then, another girl, the MC of the night, came up to the stage. "Hey, guys, we have the results ready!" She waved a card in front of everyone's faces, and some looked up bored, other were curious, and there were people who were way too excited for this thing.

"The Prom Queen..." She pause dramatically, as if the answer would be any different this year. "Is..." She paused again, and I started to leave the tent, this was grating on my nerves. I am not that big-hearted that I will watch Kyle and Abigail do a nice, romantic dance staring into each others' fucking faces while I look on. Too soon for that.

"Abigail Samson."

Absolutely no one is surprised. And then Abigail something she hadn't done for the past five years, not in any class. She walked up to the stage, grabbed the crown and broke it into two. Her lips hovered near the mike. "To the one girl who actually came to my defence when my father was hitting me and you idiots thought that was scene straight out of some soap opera. Fuck you guys. And thank you, Kaea."

I looked at her open-mouthed. I wasn't the only one, though. People looked on as if they had never seen such aggressive denial of a plastic crown.

Then, Kyle came up, took the card that the MC held, picked up his crown and walked away. I couldn't help myself, I laughed. Really loudly.

I did a thumbs-up at Abigail. "You are welcome. And pretty awesome."

"Same goes for you." She walked out, and I swear I had never seen a cooler woman than her in my life.

Lee looked at me, eyes big as saucers. "What just happened?" She mouthed.

I shook my head, and then I could feel him behind me, and my heart stopped. I turned around, and in the most serious manner he could, he put his crown on my head. "For you."

"What the fuck-" I whispered indignantly.

"You heard her. You deserve it." I didn't really care about a fucking plastic crown.

I looked up at him, and then around. People were shocked, really shocked. I thought I would see just an outrage, but there quite a lot of people amused, quite some of them amused.

"Er- the dance then. Please welcome The Lupines to the stage."

Kyle held out his hand. "One dance?"

He seemed prepared that I would say no. And, probably spit on his face. So, he was pretty surprised when I put my hand into his.

The band started playing A Moment Like This.

And we swayed and I danced, and I wanted to cry because I felt so peaceful, yet so completely full of possibilities. This, right here, was how I wanted to feel everyday.

"I am sorry." He whispered into my ear.

I closed my eyes. "It's okay." I pushed back and looked up at him. "You were..." No, that was the wrong way to start. "You are good now, Kyle. Really good. But I don't think- I think forgiving you is all I can do. Nothing more ever." His grip tightened on my hand

I could reject him right now. End this pain and misery forever. But I didn't want to ruin this perfect moment. Maybe he thought the same.

But he didn't say anything. He kept on dancing but his body was tight as a coiled snake, ready to spring. Yeah, he wasn't entirely pleased about what I said. It had never been said that that is what we were both wanting. Maybe he wasn't. Maybe I was entirely wrong.

But even for that maybe, I had said it.

"I need some fresh air." He didn't smile. I nodded. Jacob cut in, and we danced but it didn't have even a fraction of the easiness that it had with him.

The last season of Dark is on Netflix now! This show has consumed my life. Y'all should give it a try.

In the media box, you'll find, "A Moment Like This by Kelly Clarkson".

I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for you support!


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