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I stood near the front gates, as the kids came. Rebecca spotted me and ran towards me. I smiled at Simon, genuinely grateful despite my bad day. "Thank you for doing this."

"My pleasure." He looked around. "Although you should count them. Two of them snuck out to make out somewhere."

I laughed, and it came uneasy. But then he was behind me, holding a large bag. "Got something for you."

As he handed out watches and the 'free-ride' bands to the kids, I asked Rebecca, "I hope Jackson isn't bothering you anymore."

Rebecca shook her head. "He just sticks his tongue out at me, but he is too scared of you." She laughed. I smiled.

Kyle came around to hand a watch and a band to her too. I stared at him, stone cold. I didn't have it in me to show any sort of anger, I was sure I would break down if I did. Rebecca pocketed the watch and tied the band.

Simon watched it with a soft smile on his face, his green eyes sad. When Rebecca ran away to her friends, he murmured. "I am glad she is out of her father's clutches."

I looked at him, startled. "What do you mean?"

He looked at me with wide surprise in his eyes. "You didn't know?"


Kyle was with us too. He didn't say anything, and maintained a healthy distance from me.

"Rebecca isn't really an orphan. Her mother died during childbirth and her father was... violent. He would hit her, and tell her to do awful things to other people." He shuddered. "He was a psychopath, and he wanted her to be like him. Some of her father's friends turned him in, and thank goddess, because sometimes children who are too abused can be..." He stopped, shaking his head. "Will you take them from here?"

"Yeah." I said, and Kyle nodded. As Simon went away, I said. "Hey, Simon?"

He turned, looking at me questionably.

"Children who suffered abuse are still just children."

"Maybe." Simon nodded thoughtfully, walking away.

"Sometimes, they turn out to be rotten." Kyle said, and I whipped to look at him.

"Rebecca is the sweetest." I said, poison dripping my tongue.

"Sometimes. People like... Abigail." He said, and his Adam's apple bobbed. I was a little shocked, I didn't know what to say. "People can turn out to be like me."

He looked me in the eyes, and I was so surprised I didn't know what to say. Kyle went ahead, and grabbed a child's hand. "Come!"

I came in last, making sure all children were there.

We sat near the Ferris Wheel, which seemed to be working perfectly, so you could colour me surprised. I sat with two of the kids, and Kyle with two another and the others sat down, squishing against each other on the small seats. They laughed and cried as they tumbled down from the top, and Kyle caught my eye.

He looked away.

It was time for another ride, and we took them there too, not needing to talk, but then they were hungry, and so we went to the gelato stand.

"Look, Luna, our miserable offsprings are here." My mother announced. I made a face at her weird words.

Kyle passed her a smile, and I said. "Ha. Ha. Mom, very funny."

She and the Luna passed gelato to the children, free, while I plopped down a bench, emotionally drained. Kyle stood on the other end, leaning against the rails. I was still burning up from the fight in the office, as if a fever had caught me wouldn't let go. "You are rotten, but Rebecca isn't. Hell, even Abigail isn't the spawn of Devil I thought her to be."

He froze, and then threw the gelato cup inside the dustbin. I snickered. "Of course, run, Kyle. I am afraid for these poor kids, they will have an Alpha like you."

I coud not believe these words were coming out of my mouth. A couple of kids overheard me, Kyle's back was towards me, and I felt like crap, crap, crap....

"I wish I'd never met you." I said, quietly. "I wish Andrew was my mate, I wish so many things, but mostly I wish you were dead."

Kyle had frozen like a ton of ice had hit him. Luna Kovich came slowly, smiling uncertainly. "We are to take the kids from here, right?"

I nodded, smiled, picked up my purse and headed to my car, feeling pathetic. I could feel the weight of his gaze on my back, and I headed to my car, never hating myself more than I had in that moment. 


Because a couple people requested I post another chapter! This one is for you guys.

Thank you all for being such wonderful readers. I have never written such a long stort and I sincerely hope I am not boring you lol.

In the media box, you'll find, "When the party's over by Billie Eilish".


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