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"you still have a month of rest Amanda so take it to clear your mind okay?"

That was Madeline's suggestion, after she came to accompany me for the day...

"I'm fine"

"I know you are, but still, I already spoke with Edwin, and he told us that you won't be on the show for a month"

"I'll be back in a week time, I'm waiting for my wounds to heal that's all"


"I promised.. not to ever run away again"

"I'm not telling to run away from us, I'm just telling you to rest at home, or go out with your don't need to work for the time being, that's all "

"I get it ..thank you two bu-"

"Madeline, can you please excuse us for a second?" Henry interrupted the conversation when he came into the living room

" it's a bit late anyway, I'll be taking my leave then. Have a good night." she said taking her bag and waving bye "no need to send me out"

Henry nodded "thank you "

"take care" she turned back to me one last time

"I will.. you too"

A small weak smile was the last thing that was exchanged between us...

"what is it?" I asked when I found him just sitting across of me, staring at my hands

"where do you want to go?" he said taking my hands in his holding them tight , which actually grabbed my attention to them for a second before I looked back up at him



"I'M GOING NOWHERE HENRY... I said I'm fine, so can you guys stop?.. Everyday someone comes and stays with me as if I'm going to kill myself in any second! I'm not going to take my life!! so stop acting this way! I hate that you all treat me as if I'm weak an-"

"Babe, Louis is going back to school in a few days, so he asked us to stay with his grandparents and uncle for a while. All I wanted to do was take you on a honeymoon for two weeks since we didn't get the chance to, then we can go and stay with your family for a while after we come back "

"I don't feel like it"

"AND THAT IS WHY WE KEEP SPENDING TIME WITH YOU!...*sigh* Listen... Peter said you are going through depression and anxiety"

i knew what i was dealing with already and it's normal, what do you expect from a woman to be like after losing everything

"you cry and yell while you're asleep and I feel worthless for being unable to do anything about it... I'm just scared for you "

"I will be fine, just give me some time"

"NO! you give me some time ...just a month ..One month and if nothing changes, then I will let you do whatever you want "


"you're drifting away from me!! you promised not to leave me for a man but that doesn't mean I will allow you to leave me because of this "

"I didn't say that i'm leaving"

"but it's the same behavior from when you did ...I stayed still once but I won't do it again, I told you Amanda, that's not happening again "

i am not a replacementHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin