-2- Return to Hell

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*Four Days Later*

6:30 am. "You're broken down and tired..." Andra Day-Rise Up begins playing through my speakers as my alarm sets my phone onto shuffle for my morning playlist. After a week off school I have to get used to this routine again. Today is the first day back to school after half term and I get to meet my new possible boss after school.

I pull on my high waisted black skinny jeans, black fluffy socks, a vest, black vans and my school Leaver's hoodie. I check my timetable saved on my phone and notice I only have one lesson today which is IT. A majority of the class are boys, there are only 3 girls out of 20 odd pupils. I clean my teeth, pick up my bag and head out of the door. I text Lyla to tell her I'm on my way to pick her up whilst on the way to school and then turn the engine on. As I reach her house she runs out and into the car claiming that it was too cold to just walk normally.

We get into school and head to the study room as we both have a free lesson first. As it's a Monday we both get excited over a new episode of Game of Thrones. We decide against watching it in school at the risk of something inappropriate making its way onto the screen. Instead, we log onto my Netflix and watch an episode of Sons of Anarchy. A while ago we thought we should re-watch all 7 seasons as we missed seeing our favourite bikers creating chaos in Charming. After finishing the episode Lyla headed off to her English lesson promising to meet me back here for break. I wasted an hour of my life watching YouTube videos off the 'Dude Where's My Challenge' channel. By the time break came around it was already 10:30 and the study room was starting to become busy. Lyla, Mel, and Nate made their way over to me as well as a few of our other friends. After 20 minutes of general conversation it was time to get to form period for 20 minutes of wasting away.

As it was nearing to 11:05 I asked my teacher if we could all leave. She nodded and I pick up my bag and start walking toward the main building of the school where the IT department is. Two boys I knew were in my form group caught up to me and walked either side of me.

"Hey Lexi, which teacher do we have now? Jones or Dixon?" A 6 foot 1, tanned, brunette, called Josh asked me.

"Uhh, Jones I think. The rooms are next to each other anyway so it doesn't matter really."

"Okay, thanks anyway." They go to walk ahead of me before the other skyscraper, Tyler, turns around and waits for me to get to where they are.

"You know, I think I saw you in the social the other night. If I can remember correctly, you and a few others were singing karaoke." He put his left arm around my shoulder and I rolled my eyes and shrugged him off.

"You remembered correctly, I don't remember seeing you though I'm sorry."

"That's okay, a group of us were sat at a corner table on the other side of the room to the stage. It was good to hear you singing again though Lex. You have a great voice." Did Tyler just actually compliment me? One of the popular and best looking guys in this school.

"Umm, thanks Tyler." I give him a weak smile after remembering why I stopped in the first place. I walk with my head facing the ground and we walk into the class together. I head towards the corner furthest away from the door and next to a window. Whereas the boys head to a line of computers along a wall where I have my back faced. I log on to the computer and plug my headphones in before opening up my work for M2. I start to notice the class getting louder and louder before turning around and noticing ALL of the popular group of boys sitting behind me. I make eye contact with Josh before turning around hastily and putting my headphones in and turning my music louder. Luckily Tribute by Tenacious D was playing so having a loud song playing made it easier for me to drown out the noise.

I felt a light tap on my right shoulder, it was so light that I almost didn't notice it. I turn around to see Tyler about to say something to me. I put one finger up to show that I'll be ready to talk in a second or two. I pause my music and turn back around to him.

"Hey, everything alright Ty?" He looked a bit taken aback by my question but his face relaxed soon after.

"Yeah, I came over to ask you the same thing. Josh seemed worried about you and asked me to come check on you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm alright, tell him there's no need to worry about me and that I said thank you. You too you know? Thank you for 'checking up on me' as you put it." I let out a light laugh and turned back to face my computer.

After completing M2, I upload it into my OneDrive folder shared with my teachers and go on Tumblr for the remaining 15 minutes of the lesson. I make my way back to my car parked outside the school gates and text Lyla to tell her that I'm going home to get ready to meet my new possible boss and that she could get a lift with Mel and Nate.

After around a 15-20 minute drive I get home and run upstairs. I choose to wear my blue high waisted skinny jeans, a white jumper over my black vest and my Chelsea boot heels so I look taller than the mere 5 foot 2 that I am. I check the address from the email and head to my car. The drive isn't long, just a little under 2 miles. 

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