-15- Behind Blue Eyes

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I walk into Coffee Time and notice the girls aren't here yet. I walk over to the far side of the room and find and empty table near the corner. I place my bag on the table and take a seat whilst getting my phone out of my pocket in the meantime.

To: Lyla, Mel | 1:28 p.m.

I'm on the far side in the corner table xo

I sit back in my chair and put my headphones in to listen to the song choices me and Daniel made. Just in time for The Lost Boy to finish I hear the bell on the door, meaning that someone has either entered or left. I look over my shoulder and meet with those oh-so-familiar mesmerising blue eyes. His eyes turn to meet mine as they linger for what seems like a good couple of seconds. I look away first offering a small smile before turning around to put my headphones back in. I start to hum along with Peace Is Free before I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to meet the blue eyes once again.

"Hey Dan, I can call you that right? It's up to you." He smiles sweetly before shaking his head from side to side as if he can't believe what I was saying.

"Well if I can call you Lex then by all means, call me Dan. It sure as hell beats Danny Boy." I smile like an innocent child at him which he recognises easily.

"Sure. So, what are you doing here anyway?"

"In all honesty, I saw your car outside while I was on a run and thought it would be a good idea to offer you a lift to mine later when you're ready. Then again, I don't know why I thought to ask that when, like I said, your car is outside." I let out a light giggle before looking him dead in the eyes.

"It's okay don't worry. Are you sure you don't need a lift home instead?" His eyes widen in shock as he realises that I'm the one with the car. He shakes his head politely.

"No that's alright. I'll run home. Text me if you change your mind though, I'll come and pick you up."

"Thanks Danny Boy but it's okay, really. See you later."

"Eh-Hem. Don't mind us you two." Both of our eyes turn to see Lyla and Mel standing to the side of the table failing at hiding their amusement. I mouth a 'sorry' to Dan as he turns to head back to the door. The girls take a seat at the table and stare at me intensely.

"You going to explain what happened just then or are we just going to have to make assumptions?" Mel nudges my right shoulder before high-fiving Lyla. I lower my head into my hands and rest my elbows on the table.

"Nothing happened," I lift my head before carrying on, "I'm serious guys. Nothing happened, he offered me a lift to his because I'm babysitting tonight after meeting with you two, and that's all."

"Um, Lex... Your car's outside?" Lyla notices the flaw in the story.

"I know. I don't really know what was going through his head but he offered a lift even though I'm the one with the car outside and he was on a run." I lower my head back into my hands trying to process make sense of what happened in my head.

"Ooooooh...You know what that means don't you Lyl?" Lyla answers Mel with a nod before they both look back to me with more amusement than before.

"I don't know what you two are trying to say but stop looking, I can sense your eyes on me."

I hear two laughs in response before a hand grabs my forearm and yanks to make my head slams into the table with no time to respond. A throbbing pain starts to form on the side of my forehead.

"Thanks for that. Whichever one of you it was anyway." They both smile innocently at me before Lyla cracks into laughter, Mel following quickly.

Lunch went by surprisingly quickly after the girls calmed down about Daniel. We said our goodbyes and made our way out of the café. I get into my car and make my way to Madison's house. As I pull up outside the house the door swings open and Daniel appears. He looks a little down so I quickly grab my things and make my way over to him before he gets into his car. He greets me with a faint smile before it quickly disappears. He turns his face away from me and reaches to open his car door.

"Dan, what's wrong? Has something happened?" I reach my hand to his shoulder to try and get him to turn towards me.

"Look I'm sorry but I might not be back in time to practice the songs with you. I'll explain some other time." A feeling of disappointment makes its way into my stomach before I nod in response. He gets into his car and drives away. I make my way into the house only to be greeted by two monkeys dragging me into the kitchen.

"Lexi. Lexi. Lexi, look...we made brownies with Daniel. Want one?" Aidan looks at me with pleading eyes and a wide smile.

"Okay, but only after food."

About two hours later we all slouch on the sofa together. The front door swings open with a loud bang, making all three of us jump in surprise. Daniel walks in looking just as glum as he did before. He heads straight upstairs and Aidan looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

"I'll go check on him, Aidan stay here with Tay for me?" He looks up and nods. I head towards the staircase feeling nervous about what's wrong with Daniel. I reach his door but there's no response.

"Dan, it's me. Can you let me in please?" Still nothing.

To: Daniel | 7:04 p.m.

Are you ignoring me? Just let me in, please.

Only a few moments pass before the door opens.

"Sorry, I had my headphones in."

"It's okay but please just tell me what's wrong." He takes a deep breath before letting me in the room.

"If I tell you then you can't say anything to the kids," I nod before he continues, "Well basically, their dad is trying to get my mum back so he can see the kids. She's been keeping it from us all, probably to protect all three of us."

"Is that what was wrong earlier?" He nods and looks away from me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and come to the realisation that he's shaking.

"I know I don't know much about the situation with their dad but I'm here if you need to talk okay?" He hugs me back and starts to relax.

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