-33- Interruptions

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Instead of hearing the rest of Daniel's sentence I hear the familiar, sadistic laughter of Kyle as he walks into the Social. Noticing my eyes widening, Daniel turns around to see where the noise was coming from. I see his jaw tense from the sight of Kyle and knowing what he did last night. Everything happens so quickly. Daniel walks away from me and towards Kyle with his fist clenched. I reach out to grab his arm but he shakes me off.

"Dan, look at me, please."

He carries on walking towards Kyle. I rush to catch up with him and stand in between them with my hands pressed firmly on Daniel's chest to try to stop him from pushing past me.

"You can't seriously be protecting HIM right now, Lex?" He looks at me puzzled before his glare is turned back to Kyle.

"It's not him I'm protecting. Don't do this, please. Just look at me." My eyes plead with his as he lowers his gaze to me. His shoulders drop showing he was less tense before they instantly went tense. He pulls me behind him.

"Stay away from her, Kyle." He growls.

"Oh would you look at this...look how cosy you two are. You know, Dan, she's not as innocent as she may seem." Noticing Daniel about to take a step closer to Kyle, I grab his arm and pull it back towards me. I link my hand with him to try to calm him down.

"This one needs putting in her place. I can't imagine you'll be the one to do that." Kyle continues while pointing at me.

"You're right, I won't be the one to do that. She doesn't need putting in her place and you sure as hell aren't going to come close to trying." Dan lets go of my hand and puts his arm over my shoulders protectively as he glares at Kyle. "You need to leave."

"And what? You're going to be the one to make me?" Kyle raises his eyebrows at Daniel.

"If I have to be." Daniel states bluntly. He looks down to me before leaning in to whisper in my ear. "It's taking everything I have to not hit him right now, Lex, but I need to get him out of here and away from you. I'm going to let go of you in a few seconds, when I do, I need you to look away. If he gets violent I don't want you seeing it." Just like he said he would, Dan lets go of me. I back away from them but keep my eyes fixed on Daniel. There's no way I'm not going to check he's alright.

Within an instance he steps towards Kyle. Kyle swings his arm to hit Daniel but its caught mid-air by Daniel. Kyle's arm is twisted behind his back, emphasising the height different between the two of them as Daniel looms over Kyle. Kyle starts to struggle in Daniel's grip.

"Trust me, Dan, you don't want to do this." Kyle says through gritted teeth.

"Well I sure as hell want you out of here so if this is the only way to get through to you then so be it." While Daniel's talking, Kyle takes his chance to whip his head backwards into Daniel's shoulder. From the shock, Daniel's grip loosens and Kyle worms his way out of Dan's grip before turning around to land a punch on Dan's stomach. The retaliation comes within a second as Daniel lands a blow to Kyle's jaw. Stumbling backwards, Kyle grins as he turns and walks away.

"Next time. Just don't say I didn't warn you." Kyle shouts as he walks away.

Daniel turns to face me, his eyed widen as he realises I saw the whole thing.

"Are you ok?" I rush over to him and place my hands over his stomach. His arms wrap around me tightly as he lets out a breath he had been holding in.

"I am now. Let's go back inside."

"Don't think I've forgotten we were interrupted and you were in the middle of talking." Eyebrows raised, I stare blankly at him.

"Oh come on...I'll tell you later. For now, I just want to listen to some live music and enjoy the rest of my night, with you. Besides I'm scared of what Josh has done, I let him alone for too long."

"Sounds like a plan." I smile. We walk back into the bar and I spot Lyla sat with Josh. They lean into each other and kiss. I look up to see Daniel's reaction and see that he has the same as me – wide eyed and jaw dropped. He looks down to me and we both start to chuckle before making out way over.

"Well damn Lyl...." I whisper as we get close to them on the table, causing her to jump. She starts to blush as I hug her.

"What happened? Why are you clutching your stomach?" Josh cuts in and gets straight to it, pointing out what I had failed to see...that Daniel really was still in pain. Lyla gives me a pointed look before she leans in to whisper to me.

"Lex, is Daniel ok?"

"He's better off than Kyle." Her mouth forms an 'O' before she nods and turns back to Josh shaking her head as a way to tell him to not ask any more questions. I feel Daniel's hand grab mine before he smiles sweetly at me. The only way I know he'll understand how I'm feeling is with music.

I make my way over to the bar and put my name on the list a second time. I sit back down at the table as the others eye me cautiously. A few moments later it's my turn on stage again.

"Your heart is like an ocean. I want to dive into you. Your love is like a river that I'm swimming through. Somehow I found someone who truly loves me, for all of my flaws. If you can call when I'm down, then I am yours."

"So darling do you want me? Need me? Stay the night. Stay the night. I just want you near me, believe me. Stay the night. Stay the night. And all of these roads I've walked down led to you. So darling take it easy, lay with me. Stay the night. Stay the night."

"Your eyes are constellations. You light up the dark. Such a beautiful creation. That's just what you are. And I finally found someone who keeps me steady. Through every storm. If you can call when I am broken, I am yours."

"So darling do you want me? Need me? Stay the night. Stay the night. I just want you near me, believe me. Stay the night. Stay the night. And all of these roads I've walked down led to you. So darling take it easy, lay with me. Stay the night. Stay the night."

"We are made up with broken pieces of love and all we ever really need is someone to put the pieces back together and make us whole, again."

"Now do you want me? Need me? Stay the night. Stay the night. I want you near me, believe me. Stay the night. Stay the night. And all of these roads I've walked down led to you. So darling take it easy, lay with me. Stay the night. Stay the night."

As I finish the song Daniel stands up from the table waiting for me to walk back to it. As soon as I reach within arm's length he reaches out and picks me up, planting a kiss on my lips.

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