Chapter 8

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-A few days later-

Normally when their king has something to say he tells them in the common room. This time however it was slightly different. Naruto had called everyone to his room for an important announcement.

"So Naruto-sama, what seems to be the issue?" Asks Moka.

"Yeah for you to call us all here of all places it must be important." Adds Doni.

Taking a deep breath Naruto speaks "A couple of days ago Sona-chan extended an invitation to me on behalf of the Satans." He pauses and allows that to sink it, "They want me to attend their meeting between the leaders of the three factions. Michael will represent Heaven, Azazel will represent the Fallen Angels, and Sirzechs will be there for the devils.

I was told I was allowed two people to accompany me to the meeting." He finishes.

"Do you think it's a trap?" Asks Trish.

"No, they most likely want to get me to affiliate myself with the underworld since I'm still a devil. They're afraid of me roaming around by myself."

"So what are you going to do?" Asks Grimmjow seriously

"I'm going to negotiate with them. If they want me in the Underworld they're going to have to pay. I'm going to give them a choice, but I'll fill you in on that later. All of you will be attending the meeting."

He was cut off by Doni who said "I thought they said only two could accompany you."

Not at all bothered by the interruption he continued "True but just in case they try something. Moka and Grimmjow will be the ones who walk in with my to the meeting while the rest of you are on standby." He says

His queen spoke up. "No offense to Moka but would it not be better if you took Askin with you? He's clearly the strongest of us all behind you of course." She says. Moka nods her head in agreement. Askin was the strongest member even if he didn't act like it.

"Normally yes but there's a special assignment I have for him. You're all dismissed, all of you except for Grimmjow and Askin." The peerage left one by one except the two mentioned men.

Once the door had closed Naruto turned his attention to his two strongest.

"When I said I was going to give them a choice I didn't go into detail of what that was going to be. We're going to need a lot more members for what I have in mind at the moment."

"Where would we get new members? At the most you could only resurrect about three or four more people." Says Askin

Naruto smirks and says "A certain dragon god will be more than willing to lend us a few thousand."

Grimmjow catching on put on a matching smirk of his own "Ophis"

Naruto nods and crosses his arms as he speaks "Indeed, she will most likely come back soon to try and capture me again since I escaped last time. Here's what's going to happen.

I'm going to open a portal using my Rinnegan to the dimensional gap. It won't matter if she's expecting us or not. Once we get there we're going to 'convince' her to give me temporary control of the Khaos Brigade."

"How will you do that? Last time you fought her you came back looking like shit." Says Grimmjow not sugar coating his words.

"She will attack to try and get rid of me. When she does that, Askin will take the blow head on." He says

Askin allows himself to smile a bit as he knows exactly what his majesty's plan is.

"You Grimmjow, will then 'disarm' her after Askin is done." Naruto finishes.

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