1:Labels are for clothing not people

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I sat on my small twin bed watching the rain pour. The drops hit my window steady and soft, falling from the dark cloud that sat above my small home.

I loved the rain. I loved the color the grass turned after a nice shower, the birds coming out of their nest singing a soft melody that only nature could create.

The rain reminded me of peace. Even with the loud sound of thunder and the sudden burst of light, it brought peace.

I awakened from my daze when I heard a soft voice at my bedroom door. I turned my head to see a little girl with curly brown hair wearing a pink dress that had pearls along the waist.

There stood my little cousin Penelope. She was staying with my family for the night as her parents flew to Washington D.C for a business meeting.

"Can I sleep with you, Skylar?" she asked as she had tears running down her face.

"Of course Nelly"

I opened my arms to my little Nelly. She ran into them and held on to me like if she let go, the rain would wash her away. She squealed at the sound of thunder. I hummed and rubbed her back trying to soothe her.

"Shhh, Nelly. Go to sleep it will be over when you wake up in the morning." I whisper in her little ear.

"B-but Sky, what if something bad happens," she asked still clenching into my waist.

"Nothing bad will happen to you. I promise."

Penelope didn't understand the double meaning of my words to her. She is like my little sister that I never had. When she was born I vowed that I would try my best to protect her.

"O-okay Sky"

I pulled the white comforter up to her chin and gave her a soft kiss on her temple.

"I love you, Skylar," she said. Her eyes were slowly drooping as she spoke.

"I love you too. Goodnight my little Penelope."

Watching her fall asleep in my arms brought a smile to my face. When I saw her breathing slow down, I got up and realized that there was barely enough room in my small bed for me and Penelope to sleep comfortably.

I walked down the wooden hall avoiding certain boards that I knew would squeak. Finally reaching the closet where we keep all of our quilts and blankets, I pulled out three very thick quilts and two soft fuzzy throws.

Once I reached my room I made a pad out of the quilts on the floor and laid down. I knew it's always cold in my room so I was thankful that I convinced my mom not to put my winter clothes in the attic.

I put on some grey sweatpants, a lilac sweatshirt, and some old Christmas socks to keep me warm through the night. I tied my messy hair into a bun so it wouldn't constantly fall into my face as I slept.

After about an hour of listening to the rain, I slowly let myself join the darkness.

The bright sun, peeping though my window, woke me up. I skimmed my room and saw Penelope still sound sleep in my bed. I extended my arms hearing the popping sounds before I stood up.

I walked downstairs and fix myself a bowl of cereal. My dad was sitting at the counter drinking his black coffee and reading the newspaper.

I go and sit beside him not saying anything. I look over at the paper and scan to see if I see anything sounds interesting.

"Good morning Skylar Paige." my dad said setting the newspaper down.

" Good morning dad," I responded chuckling at him using my middle name.

"What are planning on doing today?" he asks

I shrug my shoulders "I'll probably just hang out with Nelly while we wait for her parents to come. Maybe we will watch Moana, she adores it"

He nods his head as I talked.

"Well how about after she gets picked up you go with me to MBPA"

"What!" I exclaimed as I start choking on my milk.

Mountain Brook Preparatory Academy is the most prestigious school in the state. It's also the most expensive averaging around 100,000 dollars a year. More expensive than my parents yearly salary tripled.

Let's just say MBPA is much different from the public school I go to, Jefferson High School, but my school isn't that bad for a public school. The teachers are great, it's just big so there is not a lot of student-teacher interaction.

"Why would we go there. We're not rich dad. I would know I do all of our taxes and anything revolving around finances." I tell him with a confused look.

My dad is a realtor and my mom is a teacher. We're not struggling but we can't just go out a buy anything we want.

"I know sweetie believe me I know." he said smiling putting his arm around my shoulder.

"But let's pretend that your father and I are both brain surgeons and we can afford to send you there. Would you be willing to go when school starts back?" my mom asks, walking into the kitchen.

Her curly chocolate-colored hair with a few gray strands throughout was pulled into a messy bun. She had her black glasses on covering her green eyes and wearing a sunny yellow t-shirt dress.

She is beautiful. I always wished I could look like my mother. Instead, I have medium brown hair that looks like a rats nest most of the time unless I straighten it and my hazel eyes was a combination of my parents.

"Good Morning Jade," my dad said looking at my mom adoringly.

"Sky?" my mom said raising her eyebrow waiting for my answer.

"I mean I would love too. They have the best teachers; I just don't know about the students." My voice came out muffled due to my mouth full of Lucky Charms.

"Skylar, manners" my mom chided "Sallow then talk"

"Those snotty rich kids who think they're better than everyone else with there million mansions and driving to school in their Tesla's and Porsche's" I continued, ignoreing my mom.

"Skylar, what did I say about stereotyping people," dad said looking at me disapprovingly.

"Labels are for clothing not people." I mumbled taking another bite of my ceral, mentally rolling my eyes.

"That's right"

"So, will you go Skylar?" mom asked

"Sure it's just a tour," I said shrugging

I still don't understand why I'm going on a tour though.


Thank You so much for reading Newbie. I hope you continue to read Skylar's story.

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