Bonus chapter 14/15: Margaritas and Salsa

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Hi there again, this bonus chapter picks up after Chapter 14: Nadia has returned to the bed and breakfast after seeing pictures of Khai and Savannah together, and Thomas comforts her—as a friend. Don't forget, they had a steamy moment when out walking in the hills earlier that day...

 Don't forget, they had a steamy moment when out walking in the hills earlier that day

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Thomas patted Nadia twice on the back. The movement said, Alright, time to stop now. She looked up at him with a sheepish my, hoping he didn't realise how much she had enjoyed how he held her. The pleasant shivers as when his fingers touched her. The way they...

She blinked. Without a doubt, his fingers had been tickling across her back and straying to her neck as they brushed aside the strands of her hair. Her eyes slit. Had he been trying to seduce her again?

The face staring back at her flushed. Thomas pushed up from the bed.

He had. Cheeky bastard. Her body started to heat, then she remembered the images of Khai, splashed all over social media for anyone to see, and cold flooded her body, freezing any words before they could escape her mouth.

The reality was, she could do whatever the hell she wanted. At this moment, she wasn't sure what that was, but she didn't owe Khai anything. Nor did Thomas.

Her friend, Lisa's, favourite relationship advice, came back to her. After a breakup, a man to hug and kiss is the best medicine. It had worked in the past.

Unfortunately, Nadia didn't know if she would be able to stop herself if she let him kiss her again.

An invisible pressure built on the crown of her head and she realised Thomas was peering down at her, looking like he was suppressing the urge to bounce.

"Don't worry, Thomas. I'm not going to go all hysterical on you again."

"You weren't hysterical."

She snorted. "Well, what was I then?"

"Upset, and understandably so. He's a—"

"A cad, I know."

Thomas washed his hands. "I—I think we should go out."

Sighing, Nadia let her body lounge back on the bed until her head slumped against the plaster wall. She wrapped her arms around her stomach. "I'm tired, and I don't feel like celebrating."

He moved toward her. "That's exactly why you should. My therapist told me—"

"Your therapist?"

Forehead creased, he said, "Yes, my therapist. Is there something wrong with that?"

She shook her head, face flushing. "No, not at all. It's just you don't seem like the type to go to one is all."

This time he snorted. "I would have thought after the past few days together that you would have noticed how awkward I am."

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