Bonus Chapter 26/26: Caliente en Cusco 🔥

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Welcome back to the bonus-chapter section of Wandering with You. This part fits close to the end of Chapter 26. It picks up after Thomas and Nadia leave Paddy's Bar. Thomas is full of adrenaline after punching Khai—he'd been wanting to do that for a while (grabbing the cad by the collar just wasn't enough!). The energy has to go somewhere...

An extra warning (in addition to the mature banner above): this chapter is super steamy and not for young eyes. My cheeks were red as a beetroot when I wrote it—there were some odd looks from my husband when he walked into the room to see how I was going. But, despite the embarrassment of my first experience writing something truly naughty, I wanted my favourite couple to have some fun before things go to hell.

This chapter is dedicated to @ESHurricane because she is an absolute pro at writing sexy stories.

For those naughty people who read on, I hope you enjoy it, and as ever, I'd love your thoughts. If you would like it to be more than a bonus chapter in the future, please let me know! Your comments and votes inspire me to write more!

 If you would like it to be more than a bonus chapter in the future, please let me know! Your comments and votes inspire me to write more!

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It was bloody freezing outside. That dry, bone-deep chill you only get in the mountains. Thomas's fingers tingled, and his temple throbbed. He could feel the blood pulsing through his veins, pumped by a heart on overdrive.

They made their way uphill in the direction of their apartment, Nadia's small, cool hand holding his. He could hear her breath come out in little pants, sense her heat, the clamminess of her skin. Her body jerked, and she stalled behind him, with a tsk.

"Nadia, are you okay?"

She'd squatted to the cobblestone road, her left foot out as her fingers fumbled with her shoelaces. "My fingers are so frickin' cold. I can't tie the laces up properly. Gah, the fucker!"

"Here." Thomas dropped before her. "Let me help." He swatted her hands away and, with the tip of his tongue protruding, clumsily looped them into a double knot and tugged tight.

Shaking her head, Nadia rolled her eyes. "What did you do that for?"


"Now I'm not going to be able to get them off."

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