Chapter 42

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Okay you guys, here's Chapter 42. Enjoy :)

Warning: This Chapter contains violence

Chapter 42

Chasity's POV

Tyron and I glanced at each other one last time. His eyes held fear and curiously and mine mirrored his. I know that me and Tyron have been very careful when it came to our relationship and keeping it a secret. During school we barely interacted and when we did, nobody would even bat an eyelid in our direction. Now I know I'm probably jumping to conclusions and Principle Brown probably does only want to have a school-related conversation with us. But I can't help that slight knot in my throat that's making me think otherwise.

I let out a sharp breath before facing the Principle's door. Here goes nothing...

I grabbed the knob and turned it, before pushing the door open and stepping inside, Tyron hot on my trails. As I entered the office I didn't like the sight before me.

Principle Brown sat behind his desk glaring at me and Tyron as we entered the room. His eyes were narrowed and his face held a deep frown, making my insides squirm. He doesn't look happy, only for me to believe my theory of this not being a school-related conversation true.

"Hey Unc!" Tyron greeted with a smile on his face, before extending his arm to give the Principle a hand shake.

Principle Brown stared at Tyron's hand with a raised eyebrow, before looking back at him with a murderous glare.

"Sit your ass down" he barked, making my mouth drop at his tone. Oh yeah, this conversation isn't gonna be pretty.

Tyron's eyes widened slightly, before he instantly sat in then brown leather chair in front of Principle Brown's desk. I followed behind him, not trying to get on Principle Brown's bad side more than I may have already.

Once we were seated, he slid his glasses up to his forehead, before wiping his palm over his face while sighing. The suspense is killing me. I just wanna know what the hell he has to say already.

"Do you know why you two are here?" he asked, his tone stern. I don't know if I should answer honestly or lie.

I sighed "Um-"

"Tyron, how long have you been fucking your students?" Principle Brown barked, making me and Tyron's mouth pop open at the same time. Oh yeah, he defiantly knows! I knew it! I knew somebody snitched! And when I find out who it was we're squaring up.

Tyron closed his mouth before regaining his composure "Excuse me?" he asked, looking offended.

I crossed my arms over my chest "I think excuse me is right. And what gives you the right to accuse me of having sex with my teacher?" I snapped, trying my best to look as angry as possible.

He rolled his eyes "Oh please, don't play dumb with me. I'm 53 years old do you think I'm a idiot? I can cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife! Now I'm gonna ask again, how long have you two been fucking" he asked, his eyes turning to slits.

I glanced at Tyron and his face faltered. He's about to give in. Ugh, why am I not surprised? This is his Uncle, of course he's gonna give in! He looks like a little kid getting chastised right now. I don't know about him but I'm not putting our lives in jeopardy because we love each other. And I'm most defiantly not letting somebody mess our lives up because they wanted to snitch. Tyron can get fired and go to jail and I can get expelled, and graduation is 2 months away. Oh no, I'm not going down without a fight, you can forget that!

Love At First Sight (COMPLETED)( A Student/Teacher Romance )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz