Stirring Up Horomonal Female Trouble

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I wake up with sore limbs and aches in my bones. I groan as I flop over on my side, then I soon trudge out of bed. I am in pain. So much pain. I pop my back and it feels a little bit better.

I groan out in agony as I change into my uniform. I tie up my hair and see my reflection. It's good enough for the day.

I walk downstairs and look around nobody is up quite up yet. Good. I walk to the kitchen and smell fresh mango. I close my eyes and hum in delight. I open my eyes to see Offender sitting on a wooden stool with a slice of mango in his hand. Half of it is in his mouth as he stares at me with a frozen expression. Looking like a toddler who was caught doing something they weren't supposed to be doing.

I look at the stove to see Something being cooked. Smells good. I look back to Offender with crossed arms and an irritated look. I don't want to play nice today. Down with the bloody big head!

He smiles at me and puts his plate down, he grabs a paper towel from the rack and wipe off his hands. Before I know it I am lifted off the ground into a warm hug.

He smelled like cigarettes, it smells nice. I just can't stand the smell of fresh smoke but this is nice. I would usually push people off of me especially him, but the embrace felt nice. I sigh and enjoy the purr he put off.

"I can not tell you how great I had slept!" He speaks softly as excitement builds up in his throat.

"Sleep?" I say confused looking around the kitchen like it is unfamiliar.

"I remember getting on top of you, you grabbed my head softly in your hands and said 'sleep'. I remember that."

He smirks. I blink my eyes listening to him, but not comprehending. His smile fades a little. He grabs a lock of hair I missed from putting in my ponytail. I sigh.

"You good?"

"No." I groan and lean on him it hurts my head.

He smirks and runs his hands on my back. I can feel his claw like nails through my shirt.

"I know a natural remedy that is healing." He tips my head up at him.

"Sex?" I state blantly.

His smirk fades.

"Are you dying? What the hell is wrong with you?"

I groan and get the desire to smack him on the head with a skillet. We should see how long it would take to murder someone with a mango pit! I shake my head. No voice in my head, he makes food he isn't that bad.


"Yo, what up home skillet? Forgot you were here!"

I joke as I push him back a little and give him a playful punch. His face lights up in recognition.

"Rose, babe?" I hum as he tilts my head up at him.

"Are you bleeding out of your vagina?"

"I'm dying."

I say with a groan, Offender chuckles.

"That sex offer is still standing."

I glare at him.

"Why would I want to be in more pain than I already am asshat?"

"Oh, this should be fun."

He picks me up and drops me on the couch in the living room.

"What sounds good?"

"Wut?" I say confused and angry and very very in the mood for cuddles.

"How does French Toast sticks sound with fresh fruit?"

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