Just Dance It Will Be Okay Da Da Da Doo

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I sit in my corner of the mansion all by myself playing music and scrubbing the  life out of the little table. I am starting to wonder if this is actually blood. Slender has gone out with Offender and his other brothers. I believe the only way to keep Splendor silent about winning chess was to go play Hide, Dare, and Find.

Jane finished Post-iting Jeff's room and it is an array of colors. I made sure to take a few pictures. I sigh my arms getting tired from scrubbing.

Lazari and Sally are still sick. They have been for a while now and I don't know what is going on. I called Dr.Smiley the other day and he took a look at them. He said the only thing that he could think of was growing pains and possibly an infection.

I still want to take care of them even if he wants them to be quarantined off.

They are sleeping now and as the days go by they are starting to feel better. It is a good thing.

I put everything away and water the dead stump of a plant on the table. I sigh and walk to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. Just a regular old Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich.

I look at the TV and see no one around. The only people in the house was Jane, the two sick girls, and me.

I smirk and text Jane to walk down stairs. She does looks pale as ever.

"What's up my dude?"

"The roof my dude."

She hates that joke and sighs.

"Seriously get some new jokes or I'm going to have to off ya."

She makes a stabbing motion with her hands and I laugh. I hold up a Wii remote and she smiles and grabs one herself.

"Wait! We must dress up like Bad Ass Bitches!"

I stop and look at Jane.

"Oh my Goddess you are right. Let go."

She rolls her eyes at my finger guns and takes me up stairs to her room. She puts  on a red skirt and a black tube top with black tights and heels.

I of course steal her mid-thigh black skirt, red crop top that crisscrosses over the boobs and at the back, but I also put on fishnet tights and black cork heels.

We tie our hair up and she puts on black lipstick I put on red. We look great and take a bunch of pictures of us making stupid faces. We go down stairs and turn on Just Dance. We look at each other. My hair is long and wavy but it is curled tonight. It gets caught in the corner of my mouth as I talk. I am probably starting to look like that lady who has an ink face.

"First person to sit out, break an ankle, or die looses." 

She smirks.

"Let the games begin."

We start the first song just a practice. Just Dance 4 has the best song selection in my view.

After two hours we rest and prepare for the next game.We both logged in for Hit Me Baby One More Time when the door opens to EJ and the Trio of guys. Jane is walking back to me with our glasses of water. We needed water and to put new batteries in the remotes. I accidentally threw mine backwards and made a dent on the roof.

Masky laughed and sat on the couch with Hoodie. Toby sits in the chair laughing too. EJ looked disheveled I'm guessing he had a long day. They all were happy. It is a great look.

"Rose, Jane you two look hot."

I look at the guys who take in the sight of Jane and I. Jane checks her nails and I fix my lipstick. Jane speaks up not giving a shit.

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