Boy's Will Be.... Girls?? Pt.2

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I knock on the door with two bags one on each arm. One has tampons, pads, chocolate, beef jerky, and more sweets and spicy foods. The other has things like breakfast and things the Brother's like and stuff for the littluns.

I open the door myself and see Trender, or I hope this lady is Trender, dancing around in a black dress with short brown hair. She had tall sandals and more curves than Slender. She turned to me with her green eyes. She pursed her lips then smiled.

"Rose! Darling you are handsome."

"It's Ross."

"Bob Ross I am familiar."

I smile and see she is doing great, I pull out breakfast rolls and a long roll of brown fabric. She smiles and steals it from my hands. I am then shoved out. Still holding the breakfast rolls. I sigh and the door flies open snagging the rolls, it shuts just as quickly. I laugh to myself as I walk to Tender's room. It is simple and has a lot of wind chimes hanging from the roof, he is sewing blankets. He is actually a he.

I stand there in the doorway, he shifts to his human form, tall with blond hair. I sigh as I put down his breakfast and a new book about gardening, he loves gardening but was never good at it.

"Why do I feel like this is your fault?"

He smiles as he holds the book up and nods. He soon turns his back to me and goes back to sewing. I sigh, I mean it's not like I can interrogate him.

I jog down to Splendor's room who is playing with all of the opposite gender children.

"Excuse me."

They all freeze even the music stops, they were dancing around a circle of chairs to the song, "Put the Lime In the Coconut". All of the kids sit down but Splendor but then jump up to give me a hug.

"Rose you are a guy!"

"That seems to be true."

I chuckle and give the kids some candy, Splendor walks up to me with a smile.

"Today I am Splendora."


"Like Bob, very cool."

"Need anything?"

She smiles.

"Yes actually."

I open each bag, she grabs a box of tampons, pain pills and beef jerky.

"Do we have eggs?"

"I can make some and bring some up for you."

"Oh, excellent!"

She smiles and hugs me then continues what she was doing with the kids. I smile and stop at each room. Ironically BEN, Jeff, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, and Painter were on the days of suffering. Nina and Judge had facial hair, Masky was trying to show them how to shave it off while Hoodie was shaving Clock's face. I guess he must have gotten back from the jog.

I laugh at most of the people, I swear Lulu has a thing for me now. He hides from me everytime I walk by. I save the room I have been afraid to enter all morning. Yep the sex maniac. He is probably feeling himself up and doing the cha cha or something.

I knock on the door. Silence. Oh well, he's dead bummer.

The door opens to a woman's hand being held out. Pale skin and long dagger like nails. I put my hand on the hand and am yanked into the room. I land on my face and flip over myself. I groan into the floor as I get up and look at the woman.

Offender was locking the door tightly. She wore a long button up shirt, she had super long white hair, pink lips, and hips.


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