Chapter 3

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Does it make you selfish to push away someone's affection just for your needs?

That's what I keep asking myself.

But I'm a teenager. Being selfish is an act of teenage rebellion right? Then again I wasn't rebelling..

When I burst into Caleb's room, I expected Shane to be there, but he wasn't.

"You alright? You look like you've just found out you failed a math test." Caleb commented.

I glare. "Do I really come off like type to care? Oh wait, I do. And if it bother's you that seems to be your problem."

Caleb raised an eyebrow. "Ooh, touchy. Wanna talk about it?"

I ran a hand through my hair and looked at him in disbelief. "You're serious?" "As a heart attack. Sit down Bee."

I've known this guy for a total of a day maybe, and I've got a nickname. I find it flattering, but I try to focus.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Sure you do. Everyone wants to talk about their feelings." "Yeah well I don't." "Is it about Shane?"

I have nothing against Caleb, honestly. But his ability to sound like a twelve year old gossiping girl is infuriating.

"Why does it matter?" "He came in here earlier just like you did just now. Nice shirt by the way." I glance down. I forgot I was wearing it...

But the word of hearing Shane also confined in Caleb, this perks my attention. I sit beside his bed. 

"What did he say about me?" He kicked his feet up and sat forward. "A caught a few swears here and there but not much. All I could understand was that you guys had a fight."

"It was more than just a fight. It was confrontation. But you don't just take someones thoughts and make fun of them!" I stated.

"Yeah... like telling someone that their brother's gonna die?" He eyed me.

I gulped. "I'm sorry. I just- he's a hypocrite. I'm in the mist of losing my damn mind over someone that doesn't even remember my name! Someone that doesn't love me back! I gave him everything and he dropped me like nothing! I left. I will never have to see him again yet I'm trying my hardest to be okay with that."

I was hyperventilating. Caleb placed a hand on my knee, trying to calm me. "You're right."

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