Chapter 5

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October 14th

Shane went home late last night, out of my window once I made him do a full-on sobriety test that I Googled.

While I was left lingering on our conversation of the night, I was soon to be interrogated, like I am being, right now.

"Full name." My aunt starts to pace my room in pajamas. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." I whine.

"I said full name."

I roll my eyes. "Shane O'Connel."

"Eye color?" "Blue? Why is this relevant?"

"Grade point average?" "Do you think I'm his stalker?" I groan and pull the blanket over my head.

"No, I just think you should know if this boy even qualifies to be dating material." she bites her nails and looks down at her feet in nervousness.

"You never did this with-" her head snaps up, and I know I should just jump out of my window this very second. "With who?"

I gulp. "No one." I state firmly.

"Bridgit." "I said, no one."

"You dated someone?" "No!" "Then what did I miss?"

Self strangulation cannot occur here, so I'm stuck telling the truth.

"I just had a crush on this guy. I don't even think I like Shane as much as I liked Stephan." Damn it.

"Stephan? Stephan Pierce?! The Pierce's that- Bridgit no!"

I twist myself into a ball. This, is what I wanted to avoid.

"Look it doesn't matter." "Stephan Pierce is, well a Pierce. You didn't really expect anything to come out of it did you?"

I squeeze my eyes shut, as if that'll affect my ears.

"No." I mutter.

"Look, Bridge, I care about you. I just want you to end up with someone that will treat you right." "I'm sixteen. I can figure things out on my own okay?" I throw my blankets off and exit my room. I don't want to hear about how Shane is probably bad for me, because I know that.

I know he doesn't get the best grades and would rather play soccer than study for a test he'll most likely fail. But he'd rather be at the hospital with Caleb over anything.

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