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Valentine kept walking at his fast pace while you struggled to keep up. "Excuse me, can we please slow down?"

After a few seconds, the vampire started to slow, and you were able to catch up and walk by his side, and he let go of your arm. Now, all there was was an uneasy silence. You two continued to walk around the halls, neither of you talked. You had no idea where you were going, but you were too nervous to ask the vampire beside you.

Valentine, meanwhile, took this quiet moment to examine you. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked you down from head to toe. You were quite shorter than him. You had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. He couldn't see what color your eyes were, since you were looking down towards the floor as you two walked. Then he noticed that you had pointy ears poking out of your hair. however, you didn't have any other discerning features that could point to what species of monster you were. Guess he's just gonna have to find out.

Eventually, Valentine gets to the library. He holds the door open for you like a gentleman and he follows behind you. You two settle down at a table and Valentine finally decides to start up a conversation with you.

"So, Darling, why don't you hand over your schedule so we don't waste our time showing you classes you don't care about."

You thought about questioning him or disagreeing with him, but he was quite intimidating, so you complied to his wishes. Valentine stared at your schedule. It had your name, your age, your species, and all your classes of course. He noticed that you both had biteology right before lunch and dead languages at the end of the day. You had no after school activities. Your species was a troll. This explained your pointy ears.

With all this information stored in his head for later, Valentine stood up and walked towards the library exit. You stood up and quickly followed.

Then he led your around the school and showed you everything you needed to know. The tension had definitely lifted since your first meeting with Valentine, however, it hadn't completely left. Well, for you at least. Valentine seemed to be completely comfortable with you. He called you pet names and touched you a bit too much every once in a while. But, you didn't know him personally, so you had no idea if this was just a part of his personality or not. So you didn't say anything.

Valentine had come to like you in the short time you two have spent together. He didn't know if he was going to like you at all at first, but he found himself not completely hating you. He would lead you around to the classes you needed to go to, and you didn't say too much. He wished you'd talk a bit more since it felt a bit weird for him to be the only one talking, but he couldn't complain about you. He believed that you'd be a good partner for him in his classes. He'd take the lead, and you would follow him.

Eventually, the tour had been finished, and you two headed back to biteology. With about five minutes to spare, Valentine led you towards his desk, and you sat at the empty desk beside his. Everyone was currently cleaning up their desks and packing up their things. 

Valentine put his notebook away and looked towards you. "So, Little Lady, you wanna join me for lunch and catch up on what project you're being thrown into?"

You stared at him for a few seconds before replying, "Uh, yeah, that sounds really nice."

So, when the bell rang, Valentine threw his bag over his shoulder, and grabbed your hand. Then he led you back towards the library. He guided you to the back of the room to a table. It was only the two of you.

"Now, (Y/n) sweetie, did you bring your own lunch or you eating the school food?"

"Oh, today my parents gave me money to buy lunch." You pulled out your wallet, but Valentine put his hand on it and pushed it back towards your body.

"Don't worry about that today, Doll, lunch is on me. Just sit here and don't miss me too much."

Then he left to the cafeteria. While you went on your phone and waited his return.

Valentine knew exactly what he was doing. He finally found a person who didn't know anything about him, and he wasn't going to let this opportunity just pass him by. All he had to do was keep asking you to join him at school. You were too timid to say no to him, so it was perfect. As long as no one saw you two hanging out outside of your classes, then no one would even care about who you are. He'd finally have a friend. And he was going to make sure that she stayed his friend.

My Sweet Darling [Yandere Valentine x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now