Best Friends

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Things were starting to look up for Valentine. You and he had grown quite close. You two would meet up in the library in the morning to talk. Then you guys would meet up again in biteology. You'd go back to the library together to eat lunch, then you guys would have dead languages at the end of the day before going home and talking on the phone together. 

He was having such a good time. Your attention was completely on Valentine whenever you too were together. He would even go as far as to say that he was the only one you considered a friend. After all, it's not like you had time to make friends when you spent all your time with him. Sure there were classes that you two didn't have together, and sometimes, he worried that you would meet someone else, but you haven't mention any other names yet, so he was relieved.

Right now, you two were in the library eating lunch, as you always did. Valentine had the school lunch, and you had lunch from home. You never really did take your own lunch to school, but Valentine kept trying to buy you lunch. So, you had to start bringing lunch so that he wouldn't go broke on your behalf.

You had definitely open up much more to Valentine. You didn't react anymore to his silly pet names and him touching you was basically second nature. Sometimes, when you were feeling a bit playful, you would call him a cute name as well. But that didn't happen very often. 

Currently, you two were sitting next to each other and looking over your notes and you ate. You were talking about your next upcoming project. That was another thing that Valentine really loved about you. Whenever you had a project, it was no question who you were partnering up with. While, at first, he would have to ask you to be his partner and you would quietly join him, now you immediately grab his arm and tell him that he was your partner. You had grown so confident in your friendship in him, and he felt nothing but warmth surge through his body whenever you grabbed him.

Since you two had grown so close, you thought it was time for you to ask him something, "Valentine?"

"Yes, Sugar?" He paused his reading and gave you his full attention.

You drew his attention to one of his closed notebooks. "I find this really curious," you gestured to his name written across the top, "What does the 'K' stand for?"

On his notebook read 'K. Valentine'. You had noticed this on the first day you two met, however, you didn't know him very well then, so you didn't question it. But now the curiosity had eaten away at your patience. 

Valentine knew that he couldn't keep this from you forever, but he didn't think that you'd be the one to bring  the question up. 

He wrapped his arm around you. "Well, Darling, you're gonna have to keep this a secret if I tell ya." You drew yourself closer to him as his mouth got closer to your ear, "The 'K' stands for Kieran..."

Kieran Valentine. 

His name was absolutely amazing in your opinion. It sounded so cool. And, it made you feel extra special since it seemed as if a lot of people didn't know Kieran's real name. It made you two all the more closer. Now that you knew his real name, you referred to your friend as Kieran whenever you two were alone.

You two enjoyed basking in each other's company so much, that you didn't notice the pair of light blue eyes observing the scene in front of her.

Ghoulia slowly backed away from the back of the library. When she got farther away, she walked out of there as fast as she could. She had to find the ghouls.

My Sweet Darling [Yandere Valentine x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now