Fearsome Awakening

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Your chest raised slowly as you slept. In your unconscious state you felt that you were surrounded by a luxurious feeling of silk and velvet. And everything felt so soft and warm.

However, this lovely feeling was interrupted by a wonderful smell. Something sweet.

You awoke with a small yawn and used the extremely long sleeve of your shirt to rub your eyes. You sat up and stretched your arms above your head, your sleeves still going past the tips of your fingers.

As your head hung down while you felt yourself fully wake up, you finally noticed something. This white button up was extremely long on you, and you don't remember ever owning something so large. As you looked past your arms to see the sheets you noticed something else. They were obviously expensive and probably had a much higher price tag than anything you had ever bought.

You clenched your fists around both the sleeves and the sheets as you slowly, hesitantly looked up.

To your horror, you found the same room you had been in last night. The same room where you found out a horrible secret. The same room that belonged to your captor.

On shaky legs, you tried your best to climb out of coffin. You looked around and saw the wardrobe you had opened last night was now closed, with extra locks on it as well. Towards the window, you saw that the storm from last night had yet to let up.

You wasted no time as you headed towards the door. You pushed up the long sleeves and firmly placed both hands onto the door handle. You twisted and pushed and pulled with all your might, but the door wouldn't budge.

"Please! Please, please..."

But the door couldn't hear you, and it still refused to open. You started putting all of your weight onto it, and tried to ram yourself into it hard enough to break. But that only resulted in your shoulder getting bruised.

You collapsed against the door and slowly slid down as tears started to flow down your cheeks. Your breathing became heavy and you hiccuped as your face became red. 

'What am I gonna do?'

There was nothing you could do. So you just laid against the door as the cold wooden surface cooled your warm skin. You just continued to cry.

After what felt like forever, you heard footsteps on the other side of the door. You quickly scrambled away from the door and crawled to the farthest corner of the room.

The door handle jiggled, before he walked in. You couldn't help the whimper you let out as you avoided eye contact with him. However, as you looked down to your shirt-covered knees, your head shot up again.

"W-who... Who changed me?!"

"Don't worry. I was gonna do it, but Mama smacked me upside the head when I tried." He ran his hand through his hair with exhaustion as he rolled his eyes. 

You felt a bit of relief wash through you as this information processed. You closed your eyes as you felt your body start to relax. Then you heard his footsteps coming towards you, and you squeezed your eyes as tightly as you could. You didn't want to look at him. 

He got closer and closer, then stopped. Then you felt his hand stoking your hair. "Aww, come on, Baby Doll. You ain't still mad about the little trick, are ya?"

"Kieran, I want to go home." You finally looked up at him. You could feel tears streaming down your face. 

You were scared, and you really didn't know what to do, "Please.

He gave you a soft smile, as he cupped your face, "Honey, you are home. I'm your knight in shining armor, and you're my sweet little princess that needed to be saved." 

As he spoke, he slowly got closer, "And now that you've been saved. "

Even closer, "we can finally live..."

He was so close.

"Happily ever after."

His lips grazed yours, but before he could get any closer, you were saved by a yell.

"Kieran, you better not be doing anything up there! I told you to get your friend and bring her down, I didn't make all this food for nothin'! Now come down before it gets cold!!"

Kieran lowered his head and rested it on your shoulder as he sighed. He was so close.

Then he rose his head again as he stood up, "Come on, Sugar, Mama already seems irritated, and it wouldn't be very clever to agitate her any further."

He grabbed you by your forearm and quickly started walking. And, not wanting to be dragged all the way to the dining room, you tried to keep up with his long strides. 

You tried your best to hold back any tears or hiccups as you kept up with him. You didn't know how you were going to get out of here. 

You didn't have any of your own clothes. Your iCoffin and backpack were missing. The storm outside had yet to lessen. And plus, Kieran and his mother were vampires. You had no idea what kind of powers they possessed, nor what limits they were willing to cross to make you stay. 

While thinking about any possible escape methods, you had made it all the way to the dining room.

You smelt glorious different breakfast foods. As Kieran sat you down at the table, you were greeted with a table filled to the brim with plates loaded with various foods. 

As Kieran sat down, his mother emerged from the kitchen with a pitcher of orange juice. "Good morning, Sweetheart, how'd you sleep?"

"F-fine." You kept your eyes on your lap. This was giving you deja vu of last night's dinner. Then you heard her pour the juice into your cup. You nervously glanced at it before returning your interest to your lap.

"What's the matter, Honey? Go ahead and grab a serving of whatever ya like."

You gulped.

What if you refused to eat, and she got angry? You didn't know if her nice persona was real.

As you got ready to refuse her cooking, your plate was taken. After a bit of clanging utensils, the plate was returned filled completely with different foods. "Mama, (Y/n)s just a bit nervous, ya see. I bet all the different options overwhelmed her poor little body. She just needed a little help, is all."

His mother sat down as you looked up to look at him. You saw him drinking from his glass. Then you looked towards his mother to see her eating a little bit of everything. Your felt a small spark of joy in your body, mainly where your stomach was. You were quite hungry, and it seemed as if everything was safe for you to consume. 

You raised your fork, and slowly started to eat. Even though she kind of scared you, you had to admit that she was a really, really good cook.

No words were exchanged, or maybe you were too focused on breakfast to notice. But, either way, you didn't say anything as you continued to eat.

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