Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2 -

Isabella Victoria

"Miss, your father requires your presence in his study."

"Thank you Anna. Please inform him that I will be there shortly."

"Of course miss."

She bows and then quickly leaves the room. I look in the mirror for a moment before standing up and walking out of my room. The sun shines onto the wallpaper covered walls as I walk through the halls and up the stairs to my father's study. The solid oak doors stand before me. I place my hand on the right knob and twist. I push the door open and see my father looking out the window, down into my mother's garden.

"You wished to see me father?"

"Yes, yes my darling Isabella Victoria. Have a seat."

I sit down in my chair by the window and face him. He takes a deep breath and picks up a letter off his desk and hands it to me.

Lord William Parr,

I am writing to you to inform you that your daughter, Isabella Parr, is invited to the palace of King Edward I, in Kayro, to compete against other young women of noble birth for His Majesty's hand in marriage and the title of Queen. She is to be at the palace no later than October first of this year.

Thomas Alby

"To compete for a chance of marriage. To the king of Asura, Edward I."

"Yes, I want you to go. Give it a chance, I know you want to wait to get married but-"

"I am sixteen! All I want is to wait at least until next year."

"I know Victoria but this letter is an order."

"Who is to say that he will fall for me father?"

"How could he not fall for you Victoria? You have beautiful dark brown hair and the eyes of a stormy ocean."


"Isabella Victoria, you are witty, beautiful and ten times the woman I could've hoped you would be. Without a doubt the king would want to marry a smart and caring woman than a thoughtless temptress."

"All he wants from his wife is an heir! Poor late Queen Alexandrina died before she had the chance."

"She was not in perfect health, Victoria. You are in perfect health and are plenty fertile."

"Father! That is not appropriate to discuss!"

He grabs my tiny hands and engulfs them as he speaks.

"Victoria, please go and try to be Victrix."

"You want me to be Caesar's gladiatrix?"

"No, but I named you Victoria because I knew you would always be victorious, like the Victrix, and I know how much you love reading about those women. I'll always be proud of you Victoria, and I will support your decisions, but sooner or later there will be suitors, and you will need to get married."

"I know. I'll go, but you have to promise to write, and I'm taking Anna with me."

"Not Anna."

"Why not? She is my maid."

"Never mind that Victoria. Thank you Isabella. Make me proud."

"I will try."

I leave the room and find Anna is waiting outside the door.

"Anna I need you to be in charge of getting everything packed that I will need for a stay at the palace. You may enlist other servants to help. You, Eliza, and Theodosia will be coming with me. Pack your things as well. We are leaving Caralein house tomorrow morning."

"Of course miss, I will inform them of the details and what needs to be done. You're not bringing Ludo?"

"No. My father will need someone to play cards with."

"Of course miss."

She gives a short bow and disappears down the staircase. I start to walk down the hall for a moment before turning around and walking down the stairs. When I reach the bottom of the staircase I rush to my rooms.

"What do you need miss?"

"I need the riding wear my father gave me for my birthday."

"You're going to wear breeches?"

"It's the last time I can before I leave to the palace."

"Of course miss."

They dig through the dressers for my riding wear. A few minutes later they hand me a bundle of clothing. I rush to my dressing room and Theodosia follows me. She undoes the buttons running up my back and whisks my dress and heels away. I quickly put the breeches, linen shirt and vest on. Then I grab my riding boots and pull them on. Eliza rushes to me and ties my hair into a braid. When she's finished I thank her, then rush out of my room and down the hall. The cool air hits my face when I step outside of Caralein. I walk through the grounds to the stables. Giovanni is leading a horse through the pasture when I reach the stable grounds.


He turns around and walks out of the pasture, tying the house to one of the fence posts.

"How may I assist you on this sunny day?"

"Is Midnight available for a ride?"

"Of course miss. Follow me."

We walk into the stables and pass the first few stalls before stopping. He grabs the saddle off of the peg next to the stall door, then opens it. He walks inside the stall and saddles Midnight. I hand him the bridle and reins. He bridles Midnight and leads him out of the stall. I step into the stirrup and throw my leg over the horse. I nudge my heels into his sides and he starts running. The crisp wind begins to pull my hair from its braid. We pass the trees and circle the house. For a moment we stop by mama's garden, then he runs back to the forest. After a few hours he runs back to the stable grounds. When we get there I climb off of Midnight and walk him into the stable. I tie his reins to the post on his stall and unstrap the saddle. I hang the saddle up and snap the sweat off of the blanket before hanging it up. I grab a brush out of the basket hanging on the wall and begin to brush Midnight.



I turn around and see Ludo standing in the doorway of the stable.


"It's nearly dark out. Your father requests that you come inside and eat dinner."

"Alright. I'm coming."

I set the brush back in the basket and lead Midnight back into his stall. I pat his nose one last time before shutting the stall door and leaving the stables. Ludo walks a few feet ahead of me. When we reach the house, the guards open the door, and we quickly walk inside. The air warm from the fire in the hearth touches my face. I take off my gloves and hand them to the laundress waiting for me. Then I walk to the dining hall to see my father.

A/N: hello my lovelies. SHE'S GOING TO SEE THE KING. mwah. thank you for everything. special thanks to @Irishgirl00056 for helping me with everything and dealing with my crazy spells.

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