Chapter 31

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King Edward

A soft yet firm knock sounds at my study door.

"Come in, Lucia."

"How did you know it was me?"

"I know you Lucia, by now you've heard about the private dinner I had with Lady Isabella, and you want to know everything."

"True. So tell me."

"We met in the main hall and ate dinner in the north parlor. The dinner had a bit of enlightening and entertaining conversation. We ended up going on a walk to the gazebo my father built that overlooks the pool."

"From your incredibly boring and detail lacking summary it sounds like it went well, so tell me why do you look so down?"

"I acted improperly, Lucia, and I worry."

"How so, Edward?"

"I kissed her."

"Was she angry?"

"No, she was kind."

"What did she say?"

"She excused my actions and explained why it was not improper. But, how do I know that she did not only excuse my actions because I am her king?"

"You know Edward; for someone who has been married once before, has an older sister who would do anything for him, and is close friends with the only other man in your court whom nearly half of the women in your court are fawning over, you certainly are daft when it comes to women."

"What makes you say that?"

"Edward, please, just trust me, she is not angry."


"Edward, for the love of all things good and holy, please listen to me."

"What Lucia?"

"For the nearly month and a half that I have known Isabella she has shown nothing but strength, kindness, and fortitude. She is an honest woman, Edward. Believe me when I say that she must be telling the truth to you."

"You are right Lucia."

"As I always am Edward. So tell me more about your dinner with the fair Lady Isabella. And not an incredibly boring version like the last one."

"Can't I keep some things to myself?"

"I want to know everything."

"I already informed you of everything."


"You are acting like Phillipa."

"Aw thank you."

"It wasn't supposed to be a compliment."

"Well it is one to me. I adore your sister. Is she coming to visit during the competition? Or the wedding? Please tell me she is coming, I haven't seen her in three years."

"I think she is coming at some point. I make no promises though."

"Dios mio, Edward. Talk to your sister more often. You're a horrible sibling."


"It's the truth. So, I will leave you now, so you can write to your lovely sister."

"Goodbye Lucia."


"I will."

She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. She's right and you know it Edward. You should be writing to Pippa more often, especially with the competition going on. I sigh and pull a piece of parchment towards me, open an inkpot and begin to write.

November 27th 1605

Dearest Pippa,

I apologize one thousand times over for not not writing as often. It has gotten quite busy and full in the palace. I am quite sure that you have heard about this "competition" between noblewomen to become my second queen. Do not worry, for I am quite sure you are on your way to scold me in ink, it was not my idea. Unfortunately, my ministers and advisors seem to think that I am incapable of running a country and finding a wife. It seems as if they believe me to be a child. I have found a wife before and am capable of doing it again. I can just hear you now, telling me to skip the formalities and get to the details, so I shall.

Since I know you so well, the Princesa Lucia acts much like you, I assume you have heard quite a lot. I have indeed held a ball, it was a split ball. I met a lovely woman during the first half of the ball and am trying to figure out who she is. Her presence was different; she carried herself with pride in who she was, but there was sadness deep in her eyes. During the second half of the ball I only danced once. Before you scold me; I was being attacked by the contestants, it was a way out. The dance was quite pleasant and I enjoyed conversing with the fair lady. I am sure that you have already formed a plan to figure out who the women are, in hopes that I will marry one of them. My dear sister, I love you dearly but, I will not tell you the name of the fair lady until you write back.

How have you been? It is hard to hear much from and about you when you are off waging war alongside your husbands soldiers. Have you had many breaks from the Aisolite Revolution? Please send my love to your children, I miss them dearly, and give my best to Alexander. I do hope you find time to write back soon. I miss you dearly and look forward to your scolding in ink.

Your Loving Brother,


I quickly blot the ink on the page and seal the letter. I set the letter to the side and continue working through the government papers. 

A/N: Who's your favorite side character? John Gifford is my favorite. 

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