Im Ace

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm as usual

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm as usual. I force myself out of bed and into the bathroom to take a quick shower and change into my scrubs. Pulling my hair up into a high ponytail, I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab an apple that was set on the counter and eat it. This house had such a beautiful view of the forest and the tall windows were an even better fit for the view. As I'm looking out the window and finishing my apple, I hear Ace walking down the stairs speaking to someone on the phone I think...

"I don't care what he says, just get the deal finalized by Thursday. Otherwise you're FIRED!" He yells and slams the phone down

He enters the medical room and I throw out the apple core and follow him into the room.

Without seeing me follow in behind him, he yells "Fuck!"

"Well good morning to you too" I say and grab a few things from the cabinet

He turns around surprised to see me and takes a seat on the hospital look-a-like bed.

"Excuse my language, I didn't know you were here" he says with a deep and husky voice

I don't answer him and grab his arm to check his blood pressure. The whole time I'm examining him, he is staring continuously at me. It felt as if he was studying my every move.

"Your blood pressure is good. Take these medications and I will be back to change your head bandages" I say and pass him the meds

As I turn to leave, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him

"I want to warn you to never speak to me the way you spoke to me last night. Am I clear?" he says harshly staring me down

I stare into his deep blue eyes and bring my face closer to his

"Well, never answer on my behalf ever again. Am I clear? Im very capable of speaking on my own" I say and pull my wrist away from his hold

"I can tell, you like to speak alot. As a matter of a fact, you never shut up" he says and I swear to the lord baby Jesus christ that if this ass's face wasn't covered in bandages, I would have smacked him across the face

This arrogant little bitch was starting to get on my nerves

"Really? I never shut up? Ever since I've gotten here, you have done nothing but insulted me and been rude. Thats probably why your fiance left your ass. Your perfect little face was probably the only thing that was keeping her with you" I say and stop dead in my tracks

What the fuck did I just say....

He stays silent, I turn to face him and see him staring at the ground.

"Mr. Anderson Im so-" he cuts me off

"Just change my bandages and leave" Is all he says

I turn around and grab the bandages, he turns to face me not looking up at me. I slowly uncover the bandages that was on him already and uncover his burnt and damaged face.

Ace ✔️Where stories live. Discover now