Be with You

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He opens the door for me and we walk back into the gala

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He opens the door for me and we walk back into the gala. I'm guessing the kiss persuaded him to stay.

Before we enter the room full of people, Liam pulls my arm which causes me to turn back to him. He pulls me close and looks down at me with his crystal blue eyes. He brings his lips closer to mine and gently brushes them. I close my eyes and feel his hands snake their way to the lower part of my back.

"Please tell me your gonna break up with him" he whispers in my ear and presses his lips against mine

I smile into the kiss and pull away

"David and I aren't even together, were just friends" I say

"Good, because I want you" he says huskily

Damn, this man was turning me on....

Before we went any further, I pull myself out of his arms

"We better go in before someone sees us, and please, try not to get into a fight with David." I say caressing his cheek. I just wanted everything to go smoothly, with no fighting. I don't understand why they never get along.

"I'll try, for you" he says

We make our way back into the room. I am stopped by a few people and greet them before I make my way back to the table.

"Finally your back, that took a while" David says getting up to pull out my chair for me to sit

"Thank you" Trying to clear the air, I don't say anything else and  take a seat

David walks over to Liam and apologises. They shake hands and take a seat beside me. David on my right and Liam on my left.

Let's hope this dinner doesn't get awkward....

Our round table of 10 people was full and it looked like all of our guests had arrived, so we were ready to start.

After the host makes a few introductions and welcomes everyone, she calls me up to say a few words before dinner is served.

I get out of my seat and walk upto the podium, grabbing the microphone.

"Hello everyone, thank you very much for coming here today for the 1st ever Anderson charity event in memorial of my late husband who passed away one year ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I miss him dearly and I know that all of you do too. Ace was a caring man. He loved to give and help the needy. Which is why, in his memory, I decided to host the 1st ever Anderson charity event to raise money for our partnership charities that help the poor and needy. I know that together, we can help make a change. Which is something Ace would have wanted us to do. After dinner, we will start the auction where all the money raised will be donated. I really do hope you participate.
And now for a toast, in memory of my dear beloved Ace" I raise up my glass and everyone with me toasts to Ace.

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