Your fault

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Everyone at the service looked rich

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Everyone at the service looked rich. They all were sitting there and crying, which I guess was expected since it was a funeral. But, did these people all really know Ace or were they just here for the publicity since it was expected of them?

Many eyes were on me since I was sitting in the front row beside Dr. Ashley and Molly. They probably thought I was another maid at the house who worked for him. Which is close, though I wasn't a maid. I was a nurse.

Dr. Ashley told me to introduce myself as Ace's wife. Even though I wasn't sure how well that would play out.....

After the funeral ends, many people all start talking with each other. I'm standing beside Dr. Ashley when a tall and skinny woman wearing a long black dress and big black hat comes up to us. She had glasses on and looked very pretty. She must be a model..

"Dr. Ashley, I'm so sorry. It's been such a hard day for us all" she says to him while crying and pulling him in for a hug.

She takes off her glasses and I see that her eyes are all puffy underneath. She must have cried, a lot. They reminded me of my eyes a few days ago.

"I know dear. He was too young" Doctor Ashley says to her patting her back

After they disconnect, she turns towards me

"Hi, my name is Alex" I say to her with a small smile while shaking her hand

"Nice to meet you, I'm Veronica" she says to me
"How did you know Ace?" She asks me

"Oh, uh well he-he was my husband" I say with a bit of a stutter

I think that was the first time I had said it out loud to anyone

She immediately let's go of my hand and drops her own. With her shocked expression, she stares at me with confusion written all over her face

"Your husband? That's not possible." She says In an angry tone

"Oh no" I hear Dr. Ashley whisper under his breath

"I'm sorry?" I ask her in confusion

"Ace was my fiancé" she says

Ohhhhhh. Oh dear.


"Oh." Is all I'm able to say

"Well, ex fiancé. But we were engaged a month ago. When the hell did he get married?!" She asks angrily

"Um, well-" I'm cut off by Dr. Ashley

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