Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Looking in the mirror, I was pretty surprised that my stomach was still kinda flat for 14 weeks... Everyone is different I guess, but I'm not really complaining as the whole scandal surrounding me has kind of died since I'm not even showing or behaving any different. I'm pretty sure the other students just think I'm an attention seeker.

The school is pretty much empty at this point with everyone having left the school. I think Tony is still here though. He was pretty on the fence of whether he should go home or not, but maybe he decided he'd rather stay.

"Hmm...." I hum to myself as I turned around to look at all the papers on desk. I have a project due right after the break, it's for anatomy class and it was long as well as boring. I was pretty much done with it and caught up with my homework, so I guess it'll be ok to get distracted. I mean I have like 3 days left to finish it anyway. Otherwise, I think maybe a trip to the school gardens is in order with a good book!


I hum as I walk around the flowers. This was one of my favorite places at school besides the library. It was another beautiful escape from the harsh reality which was just plain old life.

I find a bench under the apple tree and gentle drop my messenger bag onto the bench, sitting down as I observe the beauty around me. I close my eyes and listen to the birds chirping, carefree. It kind of made me jealous and wish I had my own wings to fly away with.

I sigh in content and dig into my messenger bag to grab my book. It was a book about magic and adventure. I've always been a fan of books that were set in some sort of different world or somewhere foreign. You can bet I'm a bit of a Harry Potter nerd because of the whole world I was able to imagine when I was trapped in my bedroom kind of like Harry in the second book, but without the bars thankfully.

Honestly, I had always planned to move the hell out the very second I turned 18, but having time to reflect on that since it's a year away from now... Not only would it be completely out of the question with my baby, it wouldn't have been possible when I wasn't pregnant anyway since I don't have a job to support myself or any of my documents to be able to get one. My uncle has all my papers and refuses to give them to me.

A nice breeze blows and it's nice to just see the flowers moving. They were so pretty and soothing to watch. I guess my mind is just too busy with thoughts that I can't concentrate on reading anymore.

"So many cluttered and messy thoughts are running through my head...," I sighed as I rub my stomach.

"Talking to yourself?"

I not only gasp from surprise, I also accidentally fling my book at the voice. The source of the voice yelps.

"Hey that's not nice!" The voice laughs and I look to see it's Nathan, grinning. I flush a bright red from embarrassment.

"I-I-I'm really uhm- sorry Nathan!" I scramble to get my book from him, tripping over my feet and he catches me as well.

His grin melts into a soft smile as helps me up on my feet, "No worries. Sorry if I scared you though."

"No I wasn't scared," I pout and take my book from him, "Just... surprised..."

"Still I'm sorry," He sits down on the bench and I sit next to him, grabbing my messenger bag and stuffing my book in it. "Aren't you going to family's home for the holiday?"

I freeze momentarily, but quickly try to come up with an excuse. After all, we're not exactly the bestest of friends, but just pals I guess. So, I don't need to burden him with my problems.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now