Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

(Dec. 9, 2010)

15 Weeks

My hand rests on my now small stomach. I smile faintly thinking how just a couple of weeks made a difference and it was finally showing. It made the situation feel much more real. Weirdly enough, it made me feel like everything will be ok. It was a pretty good distraction from what was to come.

"So, Lucca, any questions or concerns before we go our separate ways?" The doctor smiles as she is sitting at her computer, watching me intently.

"I'm doing ok right? I just don't want to mess this up..."

"Yes, your pregnancy is going great so far. I get that this is an incredible change that was thought to be impossible, but you are doing a good job Lucca. Just remember to take it easy. I understand that will be difficult with school it'll be hard to not stress out, but just try your best to manage your stress levels."

"I'll try..." I say with little confidence.

We shake hands as we say our goodbyes. She reminds me of my next appointment and I reassured her that I'll remember. She also reminds me to continue to take my vitamins and to eat a little more. I again, reassure her that I will try to eat a little more.

I then exit the office and wait at the bus stop. I look at my watch and smile. Only a fifteen minute wait and a twenty minute ride which I was incredibly grateful for.

I shiver as a gust of wind blows by, making me hug my jacket a little tighter and regretting my decision on not bringing my hat or scarf. Now that it was December of course it's chilly in California, but thankfully no snow like in Canada. Just chilly and rainy, which is still not fun. Weirdly enough, as much as I didn't like the cold of winter, I really loved the feeling of Christmas. It was my all time favorite time of the year because of the fond memories I had of my dad and I.

The bus pulls up suddenly. I shake my head to clear my thoughts just to function enough to put my money in the machine and get my ticket. I quickly took a seat in the front of this somewhat crowded bus.

I could still feel my heart break a little just having thought about my dad. I miss him so much and almost wish he was still here with me, I say almost because I have no idea how he'd react to the current situation I've put myself in. At least in memory I know that he loved me so much.


I grinned and squealed as my dad gently tossed me into the air. He caught me and spun me around with him in the room. The colors of the Christmas trees were bright and blurry as he spun me around until he got dizzy and we crashed onto the couch, laughing.

My dad was so handsome, I remember how girls would approach him left and right when I was around. He would always politely steer away from flirting and we would move on with our day. He had olive tan skin, dark brown hair, medium athletic build, tall at 6' 6", and his feature that we both shared was our bright green eyes.

I was so happy that my dad was able to time off work to be with me. He had been working a lot more late November and mid December. He had my teacher (his girlfriend then) Ms. Hanson baby sit me after school was done. My dad had said he'd take all of Christmas break off and taking me exploring around L.A.

"Are you excited for Santa, Lucca?" My dad asked with a faint smile as he was holding me close.

"Yeah!" I squealed, but then I paled and gasped.

My dad sat up straighter and looked me over with concern, "Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" He inspects my face to double check and I shook my head with a very serious look.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now