Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

(Feb. 07, 2011)

24 Weeks

Lucca's Point of View

I sleepily close my eyes as the lecture continues on. I'm way too tired. I feel like I'm always trying to sneak in sleep when I can. I don't know how I'll survive the rest of the semester like this... I'm still like another 20 weeks left and that seems so far away... I'm just thankful my teachers aren't yelling at me for accidentally sleeping.

I feel my hand slip from under my chin and my eyes fly open. I look around frantically for a moment because it almost felt like that dream you have when you randomly feel like you're free falling and just when you feel like you're going to hit the ground, you wake up in time before that happens. However, I remind myself that I was just in world history class. It's the last period of the day. I'm safe from hitting the ground. Unfortunately, history is one of my favorite classes since I guess I'm just a nerd like that. As the teacher continues on with her lecture, my eyes start feeling heavy again. Even homework is now starting to get hard to keep up with...

The bell rings suddenly and students are starting to pack up as an announcement also starts, "Good afternoon everybody! Remember that the Valentine's Day Ball is this Friday night! Also the kiss-o-gram lollipops will be delivered on Friday morning! If you forgot to buy them during lunch, have no fear! They will also be sold at the school store! Have a Manic Monday, love birds!"

As I finish packing up my bag, I couldn't help, but wonder if Tony and Nathan were going to the dance or if they had dates in mind? Of course they would, they are one of the hottest guys who go to school here. They're also really popular so how could they not? The can easily choose any girl they wanted to, but I wish Nathan would maybe... pick me? I know that will never happen, but I'm lucky they want to spend time with me at all... Would it be weird if we went as friends? Otherwise we could just hang out like any other night too, except none of us really enjoy the rom com genre... Well, actually Tony kinda does. I sigh and try to shrug off the nagging negative feeling that was looming over me.

As I leave the classroom, I see Nathan waiting outside for me. My face broke out into a smile. He's like a ray of sunshine when he grins back at me. I could feel my heart melt into a puddle of warm and fuzzy feelings...

"Hey Lucca! Ready for food?" He asks and we start walking down the hallway to meet up with Tony outside.

"Yeah," I say as I continue to smile faintly, "What do you guys have in mind?"

"I've been really craving some pasta and there's this new place. I'm pretty sure you'll like it."

"I'm pretty sure my dad would be so disappointed in me if I didn't. He was from Italy."

"Hmmm so I'm guessing your standards of Italian food are pretty high, huh?" He asks while we finally step outside the building.

I smile and shrug. I didn't really want to admit that I missed out on those experiences because my dad was taken away from me, but thinking about it brings back faint memories. Memories like being in the kitchen watching my dad make fresh pasta as well as fresh sauces. Maybe once I'm on my own I can make those same memories with my baby boy. Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter.

"Hey guys," Tony says walking up to us, "Ready to devour them carbs?"

"I have to watch my figure so not too much," Nathan says, smirking as we continue walking towards the parking garage.

It's a beautiful day outside, bright blue sky, warm sun, and a nice little breeze making it perfect for a nice cozy sweater. Maybe we'll go on a walk after we devour some pasta. I haven't had italian in a while, so I'm really excited.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu