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A/N: Not edited

So what happened was the chapter posted while I was typing and I hadn't fixed anything yet so I had to delete the old one and this is the new one.

It is longer so if you read the first chapter 28 you still NEED to read this chapter so you aren't confused by the next one.


Chapter 28 – Logan POV

On the outside I kept my face blank, it was easy to do that, I've seen my men tear bodies to bits, yet nothing ever so feral and sudden; the only thing I could think was 'I made a mistake.' The Elders behavior was rash and baffling, I was fairly certain that it had nothing to do with Rainy or what had happened to Rainy and Kayla.

There were only two possibilities, they wanted to use Adina as an example to others since as far as I knew the one person that has been caught on kidnapping charges is Adina or Adina knew something. Something that could be used against them, and suddenly I regretted coming here at all.

Alpha, what the fuck was that!? Grant and Jared asked stunted in the back.

Masen! I called over the pack.

Yes Alpha!?

Hack into all computer systems in WhiteFire pack, do a mass download, in and out, Now! No trace! I said quickly, and grateful that Masen asked no questions but my people never questioned my orders. We were a finely tuned group, each with our strengths, working together, efficiently.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder I took in the whole room, not attempting to focus too deeply on any one piece of information. I wanted to store the scene, I would dissect later, Upload the video to our server then delete it right now, I instructed Grant, destroy the chip!

Was this just to drill fear? Why not take Rainys' requests into deliberations? Jared asked in the back, and I knew he was taking in the audience members who were dead silent.

The only sounds that could be heard in this room were the sobs, the shrieks that were coming from the front row.

I could distinguish between the sounds without even looking, Grace and Anna were shrieking, Lucy was sobbing, Beth was murmuring to herself between sobs, Martin was calling out to Derrick who had stopped reaching out, stopped speaking altogether.

I walked off the stage, going to stand next to Chris who was smiling inappropriately, for a minute I had pity on Derrick's situation but I think that part of me was the same person who believed she knew something that the Elders didn't want getting out.

If the Elders ask how Rainy was able to conceive your child, say you remember now, after meeting her again, that you were ordered by a Fae with Seth to give over your sample twice, do not tell them that your bank specimen was stolen and that was how Rainy was inseminated I told Chris. His face turned to mine and I was half expecting him to question my orders.

Okay he replied easily. Let's get going I answered, ready to get the hell out of here these people weren't my family and I didn't share in the pain of their loss. I needed to know why they killed Adina so fast though.





'It all happened so fast' I've heard that so many times, so – so many times... when Michaela was killed, I said that to my parents, I cried confused because I couldn't understand what had happened, one minute Michaela was laughing and playing, her cries of happiness echoing off the trees around us, her smile brighter than the sun and then, gone.

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