Chapter 2 - Heritage and Responsibilities

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Ok so I don't actually know if anyone is reading this so if you are please comment to let me know... it would mean so much!

Estel - no, he was Aragorn now - stared open-mouthed at his father. Lord Elrond sat calmly in a chair across the desk from him, surveying him with a cool gaze.

The young man's eyes were, however, not watching his adoptive father. His gaze was instead drawn to the glinting silver ring in his father's palm, held out to him with a steady hand.

Shakily, Est- Aragorn reached over the desk and carefully picked up what he had just discovered to be an heirloom of his house. Studying the design intently, he ran his fingers over two carved serpents, one devouring the other. They were set around a large emerald which glittered in the light filtering in from the window to his right.

"Ada... I can't take this, it's not right! I can't be... be... a king!" Aragorn stood quickly, scraping his chair back violently against the floor of his father's study.

Lord Elrond rose gracefully with him. Stepping around the wooden desk, he placed a comforting hand upon his son's shoulder.

"Ion-nín, you do by no means have to accept the responsibility immediately. My heart tells me that there are many years left to pass before you must take up this burden. I merely want you to have time to... adjust."

"And you'll be there for me when it is time?" Came the uncertain reply.

The Elven Lord quickly wrapped his arms around his son's shaking shoulders. "Of course Estel, I will always be there for you if you need me, as too will your brothers."

His voice was muffled by Elrond's heavy robes, but Aragorn still managed to ask, "So I can still be Estel?"

"Of course! You can be whoever you wish to be! But remember your heritage could be dangerous, Estel. Sauron is still searching for Isildur's heir. You will need a code name, a name you can give to whoever you wish and not draw too much attention to yourself. A ranger name, I suppose."

"Mmm... I'm sure to forget all these names if you don't stop giving them to me Ada!" Estel smiled through his tears.

"Then it must be something memorable. Let me see, Halbarad said you walked further than all your fellow youngsters today... how about Strider?"

Estel snuggled into his father's embrace, happiness washing over him.


He decided to keep to himself his thoughts that Elrond thought of all mortals as 'youngsters' so his earlier statement included every other ranger out there...

As Estel turned to leave the room, he paused at the sound of Elrond's voice.

"And just where do you think you're off to, ion-nín?" his father teased gently.

"I-I thought..."

Elrond kept up his pretence of strictness and discipline. "Oh no Estel, I have another point to discuss with you. You're not getting away that easily..."

Estel's hand flew to his mouth in mock horror. "A whole another point?"

Elrond let the pretence drop. "Don't worry, it won't take long." He said with a smile.

"Better not do" he heard his son mutter, but decided to turn a blind eye to his manners today. After all, it had been a big shock for him to learn of his ancestry.
"So what is this point, anyway?"

Elrond sighed, bending down and picking up the Ring of Barahir before placing it gently onto his son's finger.

"This point is that I need you to be my representative in a certain matter."

Whatever Estel had been expecting, it wasn't that.

"Representative? Why can't you just send Elladan?"

"Because, as you know perfectly well, your brothers are on a hunting trip at the moment. Plus, I take this as a good opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and experiences. Of course, I won't force you if you don't want to-"

"No Ada I agree. It'll be a good opportunity! But I have a question."

"And what is that?"

"What is this matter I'm representing you in?"

"Oh, that! Sorry ion-nín, I almost forgot to tell you!
The matter in question is most important. King Thranduil of Mirkwood has requested my presence, or that of a representative - you. He wants to form an alliance between our realms, I believe. Tell him that I agree to the need of an alliance but make sure his terms are fair, Estel. This is an important mission and I'm trusting you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ada. Can I go now?" Aragorn asked pleadingly.

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry to hold you up."

"Oh, and Estel? He added as the man turned to leave, fixing the elf with a questioning silver stare.

"Thank you."

Ok so I hope you enjoyed this! I know conversations can be dull but had to get this bit over with... thanks if you've stuck with it I promise the next chapter will be more interesting!

Just to let you all know I am writing the next chapter but I'm kinda busy at the moment so sorry if it takes a while!

Oh, don't forget to vote :P

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