Chapter 19 - Life or Death

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Thank you Jaya-Avendel spectra6 EstelElfstone dobblewolf Definitely-Lost daring_dorees for your wonderful votes and awesome comments too! Hope you enjoy this next chapter:

The wind howled in an unceasing screech, its freezing breath whipping up clouds of icy snow, sending them high into the air before whirling and pounding them down to join the white blanket which smothered the craggy peaks and deep gullies of the Misty Mountains.

From fierce dark clouds, blinding flashes of white lightning crackled as they spiked unforgivingly into the snow-covered peaks, sending showers of white flurrying in masses back into the air to rejoin the raging blizzard.

For the four travellers, the storm was a nightmare. Barely being able to see their hands when held before their eyes, it was impossible to know whether their companions were even still there or not. The only way they could keep together was to shout, which Îdhír and Tinu had been doing consistently so as not to lose each other. Legolas' cries, however, had grown more and more faint, but from distance, exhaustion or any other factor, the two Noldor couldn't tell. Was the elfling dead?

Îdhír found himself wondering if the child was alright, although he had agreed to leave him behind if he was unable to keep up. No, I don't care about him. Estel's our main priority.

But he did care.

"Tinu! We have to find Dagnir; he'll die out here!"

"It's a risk Îdhír. If we're out here too long, Estel... Estel might not make it." Tinu warned. He hated having to face the truth of it, but the human was dying. And right now, Lord Elrond was the only one who could save him. "Are you prepared to take that risk?"

Îdhír paused. "I know Estel's our main priority but that's not just any old... any old animal out there, Tinu. That's an elfling! And an injured one at that. He'll never make it without us! We have to go back."

Tinu looked ready to argue his point when a weak voice cut through the freezing mountain air and howling blizzard.

"That won't be necessary." Both Noldor watched in awe as the small figure of a very ill elfling struggled through the whirling snowstorm towards them. "I'm here." And he collapsed into the thick white powder beneath his feet.

Sharing a look of astonishment and concern, the two elves hesitated. Tinu looked down doubtfully at the elfling's still form.

"He'll slow us down..."

"Tinu, he made it this far. We have to bring him." Îdhír was determined, and so, picking up the elfling in his arms, Tinu trudged on through the howling blizzard, towards the place he had always called home. Towards Rivendell, and Elrond. Towards healing.

Towards salvation.

✧ ★ ✧

Legolas cracked his eyes open, and was met with white. Everywhere he looked, white. He felt himself be lowered gently into his feet, but continued to look around in awe. Of course he'd seen snow before; some of it had even fallen down into the cell, but this... this was on a scale he could never have imagined.

White. White sky, white ground. Turning, he saw the tall figure of Tinu standing behind him. The memory of being slapped by the elf replayed itself in his head and he shrank back.

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