Chapter 25 - A Familiar Face

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So the updates on this story are, regrettably, going to slow down under a mountain of schoolwork. I'm really sorry to everyone, I do still care about both you and this story and I will still update! Please stick with me. Thanks :)

Elrohir was miserable. They had been out in the cold, with the unceasing wind and rain hammering them constantly, for forever. The stormy conditions swept away the tracks and it took all of Estel's considerable skill to follow them. Unfortunately, it also took a lot of time. And they had to speed up.

"Estel. Legolas could be anywhere by now, we have to either speed up or go back!" Elrohir said loudly, trying to talk over the wind.

"Will you just SHUT UP, Elrohir?" Aragorn snapped angrily, the storm reflected in his silver eyes causing Elrohir to step back, startled. An awkward silence followed before Aragorn's shoulders slumped. "Sorry."

It was what Elrohir had been waiting for. "Don't worry. I know we all get grumpy at times like this. Though..." he added with a sideways glance at Elladan, humour shining in his grey eyes. "Humans do seem to be the worst..."

The remark earned him a half-hearted swat from the human in question, so Elrohir shut his mouth and changed the subject. "You know, I think we should speed up. Aragorn, can't you track the elfling just a little faster?"


"Even if..."


"Ok." Elrohir held up his hands in resignation. "Fine! But Ada'll blame you if we're too late you know. I'll make sure of it-"

"Alright, alright, you win, I'll speed up. Just don't say a word of this to Ada, alright?"

"Would I ever?" Elrohir pretended to be shocked.

A cough interrupted their squabbling. A hand closed tightly over each of their mouths and another closed on their shoulders.

"Well, well, well. Another two! My, haven't we been lucky?"

✧ ★ ✧

Aragorn awoke with a throbbing headache behind his eyes and blurred vision. He blinked furiously but it wouldn't clear. Peering through the foggy haze before him, he made out Elrohir. The elf was hung by his wrists, which were red from the strain, from a tree branch opposite him. It was strange, but he looked so helpless, Aragorn had to fight a smirk.

He sobered when he saw the gash on his brother's forehead. Blood plastered his black hair to his face and glistened red in the sunrise. As he watched, Elrohir groaned.

"Estel?" He half murmured, half moaned.

"Ssh! Yes, I'm here brother. Do not worry. But be quiet. I don't know who these people are, but I'm not sure I want to. Hopefully they think we're still asleep."

"Where's Elladan?"

"Ssh! I don't know. Maybe he got away?" Aragorn asked hopefully.

"No." Came a new voice. "They caught me a few minutes after you two. I was going to get help." Elladan sounded tired. Exhausted, even. Aragorn wondered what they had done to him when they found him. Either way, all three of them were strung from a tree, helpless and at the mercy of their captors. Not to mention being no closer to finding Legolas. Unless... what had the elf who had caught them said? 'Another two.' Could that mean...?

"Aragorn?" A familiar voice whispered, so faintly that Aragorn might have been imagining it. Nevertheless, he answered incredulously.

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