CHAPTER SEVEN - The Underground

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It was pouring rain on South Bishop Street in the West Englewood district of Chicago. A small group of half a dozen men were sitting on the front porch of an old, slightly run-down house while a small dog barked at people walking on the other side of the dented and rusty chainlink fence. Some men sat in old chairs, others sat on the porch rails, and the floor, while a few sat on the top steps with the toes of their shoes caught in the downpour. It was clear from their faces that they were upset but they did not want to be overheard and the sound of the heavy rain and the high wind muffled their voices.

"We need to get more people to side with us."

"They have no business here."

"What about our kids, man?"

"Yeah! Who's to say those things won't just up and attack the kids!"

"They need to be dealt with!"

"The whole reason we lost so many people is because those... things... exist."

"Well, now wait a minute. The werewolves defended us," piped up one of the men sitting on the rail in the corner. "They were working with our military, remember?"

"And what happens if one just snaps and goes crazy? It happens to humans. What's gonna happen when it happens to a wolf or vamp?"

"Humans are going to be slaughtered."

"There's one problem you're all forgetting," said an old, greyed man from the creaky rocking chair by the door. "These wolves are protected by their leader. The large black monster. If you want to get rid of the wolves, you need to get rid of him first."

"Yeah, Pops, but how the hell do we do that?"

"We need professional help," said the old man. "Ask around. See if there's an underground to run this operation. Keep it discreet."

"I've heard about something. In Little Village."

"I think I've heard of it, too. Chevaliers? Or something."

"Double check."

"I think I have a few connections associated with someone who can get us in. At least the name has popped up."

"What's his name?"

"Brenwen. He's a bitter Priest in a wheelchair. Said that the wolf leader put him in the chair by breaking his back."

"For what reason?"

"He didn't say when I met him exactly. Just that the beast hated him."

"He broke the back of a priest? This thing really is a monster! He could have killed him!"

"Figure out what he can do for us. Do it soon. I don't want those things around no more."

The men agreed and many dispersed into the heavy rain. They walked through the broken gate and some headed right, some went left, and the other crossed the street to their old cars.

The next morning, the skies over Chicago showed no evidence of the heavy rain it had dropped on the city the day before but the streets were lined and flooded with puddles that had not yet evaporated. Four of the men from the meeting were gathering at the house for breakfast before beginning their mission.

"Jackson, you best get in this house and eat or these eggs are gonna get cold!" yelled an aging woman from inside.

Jackson sighed and brought his companions inside.

"Hey, Man," said one. "You got any beer?"

"It's in the icebox next to the pop," said Jackson.

"It's eight in the morning. Yous guys don't need to be drinking this early. Now take these to the front room and eat while I get ready for work."

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